Mar 30, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2025-2026 Catalog and Student Handbook

Community Services

Workforce Development 

(Non-college credit activities)

Workforce Development provides learning opportunities through our certificate programs, customized training, personal enrichment, and youth programs. Individuals interested in workforce development classes should contact the Division of Workforce Development at 731-286-3265 or visit

Workforce experts teach all courses to ensure a quality experience for our customers. DSCC takes pride in its instructors’ knowledge, abilities, and skills. The Division continuously strives to offer various courses that appeal to the various sectors of communities DSCC serves. For individuals who cannot seem to fit a scheduled class into their busy routine, DSCC offers more than 400 courses in a very effective online instructional delivery format. These courses have been popular for both personal enrichment and professional development.

Many of the courses offered through Workforce Development qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). DSCC defines a CEU as ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. CEUs are awarded to all participants for satisfactory participation in approved Workforce Development programs at DSCC. The recording of CEUs will provide a permanent record of an individual’s participation in Workforce Development programs. CEUs carry no credit for college degree programs. Students may obtain transcripts of non-credit courses taken and CEU credit earned by writing the Division of Workforce Development, Dyersburg State Community College, 1510 Lake Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024.

For more information, please call 731-286-3265.

Business and Industry Training

The Division of Workforce Development offers customized training for business and industry. The department works directly with various types of businesses, industries, and medical personnel throughout DSCC’s nine-county service area to provide non-credit training that meets specific organizational needs at all levels, including managers and executives. Training can be delivered on-site at the Dyersburg campus or either of the Centers in Paris or Covington, Tennessee.

For more information, please call 731-286-3265.

Advanced Manufacturing

Several courses in Advanced Manufacturing are offered through Workforce Development. These consist of Electrical Systems I, Electrical Systems II/Motor and Motor Controls, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Advanced PLCs and Basic Fanuc Robotics Operations and Programming.

For more information, please call 731-286-3265.

Healthcare Programs

The healthcare-related non-credit programs offered through Workforce Development consist of Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (A-EMT), Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Critical Care Paramedic, and EMS Refresher courses. 

For more information, please call 731-286-3265.

Youth Program

The Division of Workforce Development offers multiple programs for children each year. College for Kids is a summer enrichment program for children. Classes are designed to gain experience and to participate in activities that complement the standard school curriculum. College for Kids is operated as a morning program for three days during the summer at all locations.

For more information about offerings for children, please call 731-286-3265.

Parenting Education Class

The State of Tennessee requires a Parenting Education Class for anyone with a pending divorce and minor children in the home. To fulfill the requirement, parents must attend one Parenting Education Class session. The session is four hours in length and is offered online at

Online Classes

(Non-college credit activities)

DSCC offers online training for industry-related certified programs through World Education and personal enrichment through Ed2Go. Online courses are designed to upgrade skills and provide personal enrichment through short-term training. DSCC offers Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for certification and/or recertification to maintain credentials in a specified field of study/work through these certified third-party vendors.

For more information, please visit

Dual Credit (Credit by Assessment) and Dual Enrollment

Dual Credit (Credit by Assessment) and Dual Enrollment opportunities are made available to high schools in the DSCC service area. In partnership with DSCC, these high schools offer their students opportunities to earn college credit in certain career pathways. DSCC’s mission is to provide future students with an easy transition from secondary to postsecondary education, continuing into the workplace, as well as to prepare students with the highest quality of training and education.

Dual Credit (Credit by Assessment) testing is offered at no cost to high school students. To receive DSCC credit, high school students must successfully complete a high school course that has been articulated with a DSCC course. Following completion of the articulated course, students must successfully complete a DSCC-prepared examination in the subject area. Within two years of high school graduation, students must enroll to receive the college credit for the articulated high school course. Students are required to pay a $25 Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) fee and credit will be awarded on the census date of the term the student enrolls.

Dual Enrollment allows high school students to enroll in DSCC courses while still attending high school. Dual Enrollment courses are offered in a variety of formats: at the high school, at a DSCC location or online. By successfully completing DSCC courses, high school students are able to jump-start their college education. Unlike Dual Credit (Credit by Assessment), there are fees for Dual Enrollment courses. Most students are eligible to receive the Tennessee Dual Enrollment Grant, which reduces college fees, leaving the student with minimal out-of-pocket expenses. Students interested in Dual Enrollment should contact the Director of Enrollment Services

Dual Credit (Credit by Assessment) and Dual Enrollment save high school students both time and money as they pursue a college certificate or degree and provide the area workforce with highly-trained technical professionals.

Tennessee Small Business Development Center

The Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) at DSCC has been established to serve as a focal point for the coordination of federal, state, local, college, and private resources to aid small businesses in DSCC’s service area. Various resources are used to counsel and train existing or prospective small-business owners and operators in business startup, sources of financing, marketing, personnel, purchasing, inventory control, credits and collections, production, organization, and other areas or problems relating to the operation of a small business. Clients are also assisted with developing feasibility studies, business plans, cash flows, and financial statements. All counseling assistance furnished by the TSBDC is provided at no cost to the client, and all information obtained will be held in complete confidence at all times.

The Center is co-sponsored by the United States Small Business Administration. Any small business firm or individual may request assistance from the TSBDC by telephoning 731-286-3201 or by visiting

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act

The federally-funded Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) offers Tennessee job seekers and employers a variety of career and employment services through the American Job Center Network. The cornerstone of the workforce investment system is the one-stop service delivery, which unifies numerous training, education, and employment programs into a single, customer-friendly system. The goal of the federal legislation is to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. Local Chief Elected Officials (CEOs) have responsibility for oversight of the system and are financially liable for the grant funds. The CEOs appoint members of a Local Workforce Development Board, which consists of representatives of private sector businesses and other agencies involved with workforce development. The Northwest Tennessee Workforce Board has selected Dyersburg State Community College as the contractor to provide Career Services.

The Northwest Tennessee Comprehensive American Job Centers are located in Dyersburg and Huntingdon. There is a specialized part-time center in Dresden. The American Job Centers empower job seekers to make career decisions through a self-help resource center, a variety of workshops, and referrals to community partners for additional assistance. Programs and services offered to youth, adults, dislocated workers, and employers include:

Adult and Dislocated Worker Services

Adult Mentoring


Career Counseling

Follow-up Services

Guidance and Counseling

Incumbent Worker Training Grants

Information and Referral to Community-based Partners

Individual Training Accounts for Occupational Skills Training
(Workforce Development Scholarships)

Job Placement Assistance

Labor Market Information

Leadership Development

On-the-Job Training Grants

Supportive Services

Tutoring and Study Skills

Work-Experience, Job Shadowing, and Internships

Youth Year-Round Program

Employers and individuals with training needs are encouraged to contact the Executive Director of Workforce Services at 731-286-3364.