Total: 69 Semester Hours
*For lists of eligible electives, see the appropriate section of the General Education Core Requirements .
**One course must be in literature.
***Students transferring to UTK or UoM should take ECON 2100: Macroeconomics as one of their Social/Behavioral Science general education courses.
****Students transferring to UTC will need to complete at least one course in, non-Western Cultures.
*****Students transferring to UTC will need to take an Introductory Statistics course. MATH 2010: Introduction to Linear Algebra is not required at UoM, UTC, or UTK
NOTE: Courses in engineering technology do not fulfill any of the requirements for the Area of Emphasis in Mechanical Engineering.
NOTE: Although it is possible to complete the B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering in four semesters after earning the associate’s degree, students typically need five or six semesters to complete the requirements