Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Affairs and Regulations

Academic Advising

Each student is assigned a faculty or staff advisor to assist him/her in selecting proper courses, interpreting course requirements and selecting a well-balanced program. The assistance of an advisor does not, however, relieve the student of the responsibility of studying the DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook and fulling all the requirements for his/her particular goal.

In addition to each student’s faculty or staff advisor, assistance is available at the DSCC One Stops located in the Student Center on the Dyersburg campus, in the Naifeh Building at the DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County and at the DSCC Gibson County Center. Advising appointments may be made online through Appointment Plus, which is available at www.dscc.edu. For more information, call the DSCC One Stop Center at the Dyersburg campus at 731-286-3350 or the DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County at 901-475-3100 or the DSCC Gibson County Center at 731-855-1419 or email advisingoffice@dscc.edu.

Academic Fresh Start

A student who has not attended a collegiate institution for at least four (4) years, has gained maturity through extended experience outside a higher education setting and has demonstrated better than average academic performance upon his/her return to college may seek special permission for an Academic Fresh Start. The grade-point average of a student requesting an Academic Fresh Start is calculated only on work completed at DSCC. Requirements for Academic Fresh Start are as follows:

  1. Separation from all institutions of higher learning for at least four years prior to enrolling at DSCC.
  2. Meet the criteria for admission/readmission according to TBR policy.
  3. File a formal application to the Office of the Vice President for the College, requesting the Academic Fresh Start and describing an academic plan at any time after the readmission or admission as a degree-seeking student.

Terms of the Academic Fresh Start

(1) Once the student has satisfied the above requirements, DSCC may grant the Academic Fresh Start. The student may be granted a Fresh Start only once.

(2) The student’s permanent record will remain a record of all work; however, courses taken and previously failed will be excluded from the calculation of the Quality Point Average (QPA) or GPA. Courses with a “D” grade will also be excluded from the calculation when a grade of “C” or better is required in the student’s current major. QPA, GPA and credit hours will reflect courses for which passing grades were earned and retained.

  1. Retained grades will be calculated in the Fresh Start QPA/GPA.
  2. Courses with “D” or “F” grades must be repeated at DSCC when they are required in the student’s current major. All remaining courses for the current degree objectives must be completed at DSCC. No transient credit will be accepted after invoking Academic Fresh Start.
  3. The application of retained credit toward degree requirements will be determined by the requirements currently in effect at the time the academic renewal status is conferred on the student. Specific program regulations must also be met.
  4. Previously satisfied Assessment and Placement Program (COMPASS) requirements will not be forfeited.

(3) Upon degree admission, Fresh Start applicants who did not satisfy COMPASS requirements at the time of their previous enrollment and whose academic plan includes completion of a college-level English or mathematics course must meet current Academic Assessment and Placement Program (COMPASS) requirements regarding enrollment in college English and mathematics courses.

(4) The student’s transcript will note that the Fresh Start was made and the date of the Fresh Start.

(5) The student will apply for the Fresh Start with the understanding that all TBR institutions will honor a Fresh Start provision granted at another TBR institution. Non-TBR institutions may not accept the QPA/GPA as it is calculated with the Fresh Start.

(6) This policy is independent of financial aid regulations. Financial aid requirements at the time of application will apply, so a Fresh Start applicant should check with his/her financial aid counselor for guidance.

(7) Academic Fresh Start will not be applied to a student’s transcript until after the census date of the semester in which the student enrolls.

Academic Fresh Start will be granted only once; Academic Fresh Start cannot be reversed.

Academic Retention Standards

A student who is working toward an associate degree must maintain the following cumulative grade-point average (GPA) as determined by the number of hours that the student attempts and the final grades earned. Refer to the table shown below.

The minimum quality-point average required to earn the associate degree is 2.00 in college-level courses. A student who fails during any term to attain a cumulative grade point average at or above the level indicated below for the credit hours attempted will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term.

Cumulative Hours Cumulative Grade-Point Average  

0.0-14.0 -  
14.1-26.0 1.00  
26.1-40.0 1.40  
40.1-48.0 1.70  
48.1-56.0 1.90  
56.1-above 2.00  

A student who is working toward a certificate must maintain the following cumulative grade-point average as determined by the number of hours that the student attempts and the final grades earned.

Cumulative Hours Cumulative Grade-Point Average  

0.0-6.99 1.0  
7.0-13.99 1.5  
14.0-20.99 1.9  
21.0 or more 2.0  

The student who is enrolled in one or more learning support courses must comply with the minimum grade requirement of “C.”

Retention standards for the Nursing Program are listed in the Division of Nursing Student Handbook. Student handbooks are available in the Nursing Division Office.

Probation and Suspension Procedures

At the end of the next term of enrollment, a student on academic probation who has failed to attain either the above cumulative standard or a 2.0 grade-point average for that term will be suspended for one term. The summer term may not be counted as the term of suspension. Students who are suspended may appeal to the Admissions and Retention Standards Committee to seek readmission without delay of their academic program. The Admissions and Retention Standards Committee may deny the readmission request, recommend immediate readmission with stipulations or recommend immediate readmission without stipulations. Stipulations for immediate readmission may include, but are not be limited to, the following:

  1. A reduction of academic class load;
  2. A reduction of organized student activity responsibilities;
  3. Repeating courses in which unsatisfactory grades were earned;
  4. A reduction of employment;
  5. A combination of the above.

Pre-registered students who are placed on academic suspension will be removed from the course sections for which they have pre-registered.

Academic Year

The regular academic year is divided into two semesters, fall and spring; each term lasts 15 weeks. More than one session may be included in the fall and spring terms. There is also the summer term which consists of several sessions ranging in length from three, five, or ten weeks.

Adding Courses

Students may add course sections online through their MyDSCC account. The Last Day to Add is listed in the Academic Calendar                                  for each term or summer session. After this date, adding course sections online is not available.

Failure to complete the proper procedures for adding a course may result in not receiving earned credit. Students who add a class after the first official day of classes need to be aware that enrollment in classes is not guaranteed but may depend on the number of classes missed and the instructor’s assessment of the student’s chances for success in the course.


The DSCC Testing Center is located in Room 128 of the Student Center on the Dyersburg campus. Testing services are also offered at the Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County and the Gibson County Center. Information about availability of testing and scheduling of tests by location can be found on the DSCC webpage or by calling 731-286-3355.

The DSCC Testing Center administers a variety of assessments to meet the needs of DSCC students and the community, including the following:

  • The Residual ACT and the ACCUPLACER are offered as a placement tool for first-time students.
  • Exams are offered for entry into specialized programs such as the DSCC Nursing Programs.
  • The ETS® Proficiency Profile graduate exit exam is required of all candidates for graduation from an associate degree program.
  • The HiSET exam leads to the Tennessee High School Equivalency Diploma. (Before January 2014, it was called the General Educational Development test or GED.) Citizens in the community seeking their high school diploma may take the HiSET at the Dyersburg campus.
  • The National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) exam provides an evidence-based credential that job seekers may provide to employers to certify the holder has the essential skills required for workplace success.

Cancellation of Scheduled Classes

DSCC reserves the right to cancel classes that do not have sufficient enrollment. If more than one section of the same course is offered, low enrollment sections may be cancelled to promote the most effective instruction. Instructor assignments are also subject to change.

Change from Credit to Audit

With the approval of the student’s advisor and under certain conditions, the student may change from credit (grade earned) to audit prior to the deadline as listed in the Academic Calendar. Changing from credit to audit cannot be done online by the student but rather is completed through the use of a Change of Registration form available at the One Stop Centers and online at www.dscc.edu. The Change of Registration form must be completed and submitted to a One Stop Center. The form is then processed in the Office of Admissions and Records. Changing back to credit status is not allowed.

Change in Program of Study

The Office of Admissions and Records needs to be made aware of any change that a student makes in his/her program of study. A student who desires to change his/her degree, major, area of emphasis, or concentration should complete a Change of Information form. This form is available at any One Stop Center and online at www.dscc.edu.

Class Attendance

Regular class attendance is essential to student success in college. Absence from the classroom negatively affects student success and learning outcomes. DSCC has established the following Class Attendance Policy (03:04:03:00), which is applicable to all students attending classes, both in person and online.

  1. Attendance at all class sessions and regular participation in any online course for which a student is registered are expected.
  2. Absences will be counted from the first meeting of the class.
  3. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor prior to an absence from class or shortly after the absence. The instructor will determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
  4. The student is responsible for all work and/or lecture material covered in any missed class session. The instructor will determine whether to accept makeup work for the class.
  5. Students who have three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from a class that meets three (3) hours per week, or two (2) consecutive unexcused absences from a class that meets twice weekly, or one (1) unexcused absence from a class that meets once weekly in a three (3) hour block will be reported as “stopped attending.” Students who do not participate in an online course for one week will be reported as “stopped attending.”
  6. Students who exhibit a pattern of absences, even if not consecutive, may also be reported as “stopped attending.”
  7. A “stopped attending” designation may negatively impact receipt of current and future financial aid.
  8. It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course if a “stopped attending” designation is reported or if continuing, regular attendance proves impossible. In these circumstances, failure to withdraw from a course by the deadline listed in the Academic Calendar will result in a grade of “F” and may negatively impact eligibility for future financial aid and/or continued enrollment. Please note: a grade of “W” may also negatively impact eligibility for future financial aid.
  9. Failure to contact the instructor prior to an absence may result in the designation of the absence as being “unexcused.”
  10. Students wishing to appeal a determination of an unexcused absence or “stopped attending” designation should attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor within five (5) days from the last date of attendance. If the student still wishes to appeal, he/she must present the matter in writing to the Vice President for the College within five (5) days after attempting to clarify or resolve the matter with the instructor. The Vice President should receive the appeal within ten (10) days after the last date of attendance. After the Vice President for the College receives the appeal, a hold will be placed on the student’s account during the appeal process. The Vice President for the College will render a final decision within ten (10) days. If the Vice President for the College denies the appeal, unearned financial aid money will be returned to the federal government (as required by federal law), and the student may have an account balance. It should be noted that if an appeal is not requested, any unearned financial aid money will be returned to the federal government, and the student will have to repay unearned financial aid money.
  11. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as preventing an instructor from having a more restrictive attendance policy regarding absences for an individual class.

Class Attendance during Inclement Weather Conditions

Administrative offices may remain open during snow and/or icy conditions or during inclement weather. A student desiring to receive mass notification of emergencies, class cancellations and/or schedule changes may receive a text message, automated phone call, and/or email by registering for a RAVE Emergency Alert Account. A student may also check the DSCC website, the DSCC Alert Hotline (731-286-3303) or local media to learn of class cancellations or schedule changes. Each student must use his/her discretion in attending classes when snow and/or icy conditions exist. Refer to the DSCC Student Handbook section for more details.

Each student is responsible for making up any missed work and for getting the information presented in the missed classes. If a student misses an exam, the student should make arrangements immediately to make up the exam.

Classification of Students

Classification of students is based on the number of earned hours as shown below:

Freshman - 0 to 28 hours

Sophomore - More than 28 hours

Special Undergraduate - Student who is not working toward a degree

ORN 1010 Orientation: Learning to Succeed

ORN 1010 - Orientation: Learning to Succeed  is required* for all degree-seeking freshmen who begin their college experience at DSCC and all degree-seeking transfer students who have not earned any college-level hours.

*Strongly recommended for Nursing students.

Computer Literacy

Each student entering DSCC should be “computer literate” upon graduation. A student who is computer literate has the following competencies:

  1. A basic knowledge of how computers function and an understanding of basic computer terminology;
  2. An ability to utilize the computer and appropriate software for the following: (a) word processing, (b) self-instruction, and (c) collection and retrieval of information;
  3. A basic knowledge of how and when computers can be used in the individual’s field of work and daily life;
  4. An appreciation of the ethical, economic and social impact of computers in the present and future.

Course Numbers

Learning support courses are numbered below 1000 and do not apply toward the courses or credit hours required for graduation or certificate completion; courses beginning with “1” are freshman level; courses beginning with “2” are sophomore level.

Dean’s List

Students who complete 12 or more college-level hours with a 3.50-4.00 grade-point average will be placed on the Dean’s List for that semester. This honor is based on calculations made at the end of the term and cannot be updated later to reflect grade changes, such as the removal of incomplete (I) grades.

Directory Information

Directory information relating to students will be considered public information unless the student requests in writing that such information remains confidential. Directory information is as follows: name, address, telephone listing, email address, date and place of birth, major field of study, photograph, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.

Dismissal from the College

A student may be dismissed from DSCC for failure to meet minimum academic standards. Other reasons for dismissal are addressed in the DSCC Student Handbook section of this catalog.

Dropping and Withdrawing from Courses

Dropping a course section is available online until the Last Day to Drop for each semester. Courses that are dropped are not graded. After the last day to drop, students may elect to withdraw or Change to Audit as listed in the Academic Calendar for each term or summer session. Students who withdraw may do so online, and they will receive a grade of W for the course. Students who wish to change to audit must submit the request to any DSCC One Stop Center.

Enrollment, Certification and Status

The following schedule of hours attempted will be used to determine the status for various certifications of attendance requested by students: full-time is 12 or more semester hours; three-quarter time is 9-11 hours; one-half time is 6-8 hours; less than half time is 5 or fewer hours.

Grade Appeal Procedure for Courses
(See below for TN eCampus Grade Appeal Procedure)

The procedure for appealing grades is designed to provide any student at DSCC with a clearly defined avenue for appealing the assignment of the final grade which he/she believes to be unjust. The complaining student has the burden of proof in all cases. The procedure will be terminated at the level at which the student and the instructor are brought into agreement on the appealed grade or at the level at which the student ceases to pursue the proper process.

  1. A student with a question about a grade shall first consult the instructor who recorded the grade in an attempt to achieve a satisfactory resolution. The consultation shall be within 10 class days following the commencement of the subsequent semester.
  2. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student may submit a written complaint to the appropriate academic officer: the Dean of Arts and Sciences or the Dean of Career, Technical and Distance Education or the Dean of Nursing. (In the event that the instructor and the academic officer are the same, or if the academic officer disqualifies himself/herself for any reason, the Vice President for the College shall receive the complaint.) The academic officer will attempt to resolve the complaint in consultation with the student and the instructor within five class days of the formal presentation of the written complaint. The academic officer may consult with appropriate faculty members. A change of grade request may be initiated at this time.
  3. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached in Step 2, the student may inform both the instructor and the academic officer that he/she wishes to make a written request for a review to the Appeals Board. The student shall make a written request to the appropriate academic officer to request a review by the Appeals Board within five days following the end of the prescribed time in Step 2 and shall include in the request a rationale for this request. The academic officer, within five days of receiving the student’s request, must forward the student’s request to the Appeals Board, together with copies of all correspondence and records pertaining to the complaint.
  4. Upon receipt of a request for review, the Chairperson of the Appeals Board shall set a meeting date and provide written notification to the student, the instructor, the appropriate academic officer and the Vice President for the College of the meeting date. (The meeting date shall be within seven days of the receipt of the request.) The rationale for the decision to review the grade shall be included. The student and the involved instructor will be included. They will appear before the Board to clarify the written reports.
  5. The Appeals Board shall submit its findings in sufficient explicit detail to explain these findings.
  6. The Vice President for the College, the appropriate academic officer and the instructor shall jointly review the findings of the Appeals Board, and a final decision shall be made and announced.

Grade Appeal Process and Procedures for TN eCampus Courses

A student’s Home TN eCampus is the campus at which the student registers for the course. The delivering TN eCampus institution is the institution that maintains and delivers the course for the TN eCampus.

  1. The student contacts his/her Home TN eCampus Campus Contact (submit concern in writing via email). DSCC’s Home TN eCampus Contact may be reached by emailing distance@dscc.edu.
  2. The Home TN eCampus Campus Contact communicates with the TN eCampus Campus Contact from the delivering institution and explains the student’s concerns.
  3. The TN eCampus Campus Contact from the delivering institution notifies the instructor or department chair of the situation.
  4. Once a decision has been reached, the TN eCampus Campus Contact from the delivering institution communicates back to the Home TN eCampus Campus Contact.
  5. The Home TN eCampus Campus Contact records the decision and communicates with the student.
  6. The student has the right to appeal the decision following the Student Rights and Appeal Process at the student’s home campus.
  7. In the event that the student elects to appeal the decision made by the delivery institution, all course documentation should be provided to the student’s home campus for evaluation. The student must adhere to the grade appeal process at the home campus, which is responsible for the final grade appeal decision.

Grades, Availability of

Students may view and print their grades for a particular term by accessing MyDSCC from the DSCC webpage (www.dscc.edu). To protect the confidential nature of the student’s record, no grades will be released by phone. For additional information, see Transcript of Credits in this section.

DSCC operated on the quarter system from Fall 1969-Summer 1988 and converted to the semester system in Fall 1988. All coursework, including quarter terms, is listed in semester hours on the academic transcript.

Grading System:

  A - Excellent
  AP - Advanced Placement
  AU - Audit - no credit
  B - Good
  C - Satisfactory
  D - Passing but less than satisfactory
  E - In Progress
  EQ - Equivalency
  F - Failure
  FA - Failure due to non-attendance
  I - Incomplete
  P - Pass
  PR - Proficiency (no longer used)
  S - Satisfactory
  T - Beginning letter for grades in transfer courses
  U - Unsatisfactory
  W - Withdrawn
  Z - Final grade not submitted

Quality Point System:

Only grades of A (4.00), B (3.00), C (2.00), and D (1.00) carry quality points.

The grade-point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of GPA hours. Courses which have been officially dropped are not included in GPA hours.

A transcript will include term and cumulative GPA calculations which ensure that all Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) institutions treat learning support hours alike in calculating the GPA. The transcript will include the following: (1) a GPA comprised only of hours taken in courses for which the first digit in the course number is 1 or above (“college only” GPA) and (2) a GPA comprised of hours taken in courses for which the first digit in the course number is 1 or above and hours taken in learning support courses (“combined” GPA).

The following are based on each calculation:

  1. The “college only” GPA will be used in calculating the required GPA for graduation.
  2. The “college only” GPA will be used in determining graduation honors.
  3. The “college only” GPA will be used in determining term honors.
  4. The “combined” GPA will be used in determining suspension and probation.
  5. The “combined” GPA will be used in determining financial aid eligibility.
  6. The “combined” GPA will be used in determining athletic eligibility.

Honor Roll

Students who complete 12 or more college-level hours with a 3.00-3.49 grade-point average will be placed on the Honor Roll for that semester. This honor is based on calculations made at the end of the semester and cannot be updated later to reflect grade changes, such as the removal of incomplete grades.


A grade of “I” indicates the student has not completed the requirements of a course due to mitigating circumstances acceptable to the instructor. All course requirements necessary to complete an “I” must be accomplished within 14 calendar days from the first day of classes in the next semester. A grade of “I” which is not completed within 14 calendar days from the first day of classes in the next semester becomes a grade of “F.” The one exception is that the time limit for removing an “I” received spring semester carries over until the fall semester. The Office of Admissions and Records will send an email notification to students whose grades of “I” are changed to “F” within six weeks from the first day of class. Grades of incomplete “I” earned during the student’s semester of proposed graduation will delay the student’s graduation until another term.


Students placed in learning support courses at DSCC will be graded on the same basis as students in other courses at the College with the following exception. To successfully complete a learning support course, the student must earn a grade of “C” or higher. A grade of “E” will be awarded to those students who have made a significant effort to complete the coursework required in a particular course but who have not completed all course objectives in that course; these students must repeat the course in order to meet the requirements for successful completion. There are no quality points, GPA hours, or earned hours awarded for a grade of “E.”


A grade of Audit “AU” will be given to those students who officially enroll in a course for auditing purposes. This grade does not affect the term or the cumulative grade-point average. Auditors are not required to prepare lessons or papers or take examinations. The deadline to change from credit (grade earned) to audit is printed in the Academic Calendar. A student who has enrolled in a course for a grade of Audit is not allowed to change to credit (grade earned). Fees for audit courses are assessed on the same basis as fees for credit courses.


DSCC offers four degrees: Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of Science in Teaching (AST) and Associate of Applied Science (AAS). Students completing certificates are also recognized for their accomplishment.

Intent to Graduate forms must be filled out by each prospective degree or certificate candidate no later than the date specified in the Academic Calendar of the DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook. Commencement is held in May. Students completing degree and/or certificate requirements in December or in May are invited to participate in the May Commencement. Students completing graduation requirements at the completion of the summer term are also invited to participate in the May Commencement but will not receive their diploma until degree or certificate requirements are met.

Graduation Requirements for Degree-seeking Students

Graduation Requirements for All Students Seeking Degrees:

  1. Complete at least 60 semester credit hours of college-level courses.
  2. Meet general education requirements and specific requirements for the selected program of study as listed in the  DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook.
  3. Must complete at least 25 percent of the credit hours for the degree through DSCC instruction.
  4. Must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 in college-level courses.
  5. Must complete an Intent to Graduate form and submit it to the Office of Admissions and Records via any DSCC One Stop location no later than the date specified in the Academic Calendar of the DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook.
  6. If applicable, complete all learning support courses with a minimum grade of “C.”
  7. Participate in the testing and assessment program required by the DSCC Office of Institutional Advancement.
  8. Submit order information for a cap and gown to the DSCC Bookstore before March 1 of the intended year of graduation.

Catalog Option

Students are allowed to graduate under the requirements of the DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook under which they entered or any subsequent catalog, provided that the catalog containing the program being followed is not more than five years old based on the date of completion of graduation requirements. Students may not elect catalogs from an academic year in which they were not enrolled at least one term.

For the process of auditing the completion of graduation requirements, candidates must submit an Intent to Graduate form to the Office of Admissions and Records. After a review of the academic transcript and the required courses in the program of study, the candidate and his/her academic advisor will begin receiving information from the Office of Admissions and Records.

Prior to graduation, each candidate will be required to confirm with the Office of Admissions and Records that all graduation requirements have been met.

Additional Graduation Requirements for Nursing Students

To qualify for the Associate of Applied Science degree with a major in Nursing, the student must complete a minimum of 66 semester hours in the Traditional Nursing Track, 66 semester hours in the Advanced Standing LPN to RN Fast Track or 66 semester hours in the Paramedic to RN Nursing Track with a grade-point average of 2.0. The student must be enrolled in nursing courses at DSCC for at least 2 semesters to include nursing courses numbered 1300 and 2700. A nursing student is to graduate under the curriculum in place upon admission to the Nursing Program. If the student is readmitted into the Nursing Program, he/she will graduate under the catalog in place at the time of readmission.

Additional Graduation Requirements for Emergency Medical Services Students

In addition to the graduation requirements for all candidates, those candidates seeking the Associate of Applied Science degree with a major in Emergency Medical Services must earn a “C” or higher in all EMS courses.

At this time, advanced placement and/or experimental learning credit is decided on a case-by-case basis and is available to current or past EMS DSCC students only.

Completion Requirements for Certificate-seeking Students

Completion Requirements for All Candidates:

  1. Meet general education requirements and specific requirements for the selected certificate as listed in the DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook .
  2. Must complete at least 25 percent of the credit hours for the certificate through DSCC instruction.
  3. Must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.00 in college-level courses.
  4. Must complete an Intent to Graduate form and submit it to the Office of Admissions and Records no later than the date specified in the Academic Calendar of the  DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook.
  5. If applicable, complete all learning support courses with a minimum grade of “C”  except for the following certificates that have a national/industry standardized exam and learning support is not required:  Basic Early Childhood Education Certificate, Certified Production Technician Certificate, Emergency Medical Technician Certificate, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Certificate, Paramedic Certificate and Healthcare Technician Certificate.
  6. Participate in the testing and assessment program required by the DSCC Office of Institutional Advancement.
  7. Submit order information for a cap and gown to the DSCC Bookstore before March 1 of the intended year of certificate completion.

Graduation Honors

Students graduating with the following grade point averages in college-level courses taken at DSCC will receive the corresponding honor designations: 3.00-3.49, Cum laude; 3.50-3.74, Magna cum laude; 3.75 or higher, Summa cum laude. Only those students who complete a minimum of 30 college-level hours in DSCC courses will be considered for the honor of top academic graduate.

Withholding of Degree

Prior to graduation, the prospective candidate’s file will be reviewed. The student must meet all requirements for graduation, be free of debts to DSCC, and be approved for graduation by the Office of Admissions and Records. Students who fail to meet these requirements will have the degree withheld.

Obtaining a Second Degree

While a student may earn only one Associate of Arts (AA), one Associate of Science (AS), one Associate of Science in Teaching (AST), or one Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree, a student may earn a combination of these degrees. For example, a student may earn the Associate of Science degree and the Associate of Applied Science degree. If a student wishes to complete the requirements for a major in a different degree, the student must complete all curriculum requirements and a minimum of 16 semester credit hours beyond the requirements for the first associate degree. The student will receive a second diploma. The DSCC transcript will indicate the completion of the requirements for a second degree and major and area of emphasis or concentration.

Obtaining a Second Major

A second major may be obtained under the Associate of Applied Science degree. The student must complete all curriculum requirements for the second major. There will be no second diploma. The DSCC transcript will indicate the completion of a second major.

Obtaining a Second Area of Emphasis or Concentration

A second area of emphasis may be obtained under the Associate of Arts (AA) and the Associate of Science (AS) degrees. A second concentration may be obtained under the Associate of Applied Science degree. The student must complete all curriculum requirements for the second area of emphasis or concentration. There will be no second diploma. The Dyersburg State transcript will indicate the completion of the requirements for a second area of emphasis or concentration.

Prior to graduation, the student seeking more than one degree, major, or area of emphasis or concentration may use the same  DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook. Following the initial graduation, however, the student seeking a subsequent degree or major area of emphasis or concentration must adhere to the course requirements of the current or later DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook.

Participation in Testing

To assess and improve its academic programs, DSCC requires all graduation candidates to take one or more tests designed to measure general education achievement and/or achievement in selected major areas as a prerequisite to graduation. Participation in testing may be required of all students or students in selected programs of study or students on a sample basis. The evaluative information obtained through the testing is used solely to improve the quality of the educational experience for future generations of students.

Honors Program

The Honors Program provides exceptional educational opportunities for highly-motivated and well-prepared students. The program works individually with students in planning their educational experiences at DSCC. Students may earn Honors distinction by meeting these requirements:

  • completion of Honors Contract with faculty sponsor;
  • enrollment and completion of HUM 201 Honors Seminar course during the first semester enrolled in the Honors Program;
  • completion of a minimum of 12 hours of Honors coursework with at least a grade of “B” in each course;
  • and completion of an Honors Project with a minimum grade of “B.”

To become a member of the Honors Program, an incoming freshman must have a minimum ACT composite of 26 and a 3.5 high school grade point average (GPA). An existing student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have completed 12 hours of college-level coursework. To remain in the program, a student must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. An appropriate Honors distinction is indicated on the student’s transcript, and the Honors student is recognized at Commencement. For more information about the Honors Program, contact Dr. Brian Wells at 731-286-3221 or email wells@dscc.edu.

Planning Courses of Study

The responsibility for selecting a program of study rests upon the individual student. DSCC does, however, furnish its students with the guidance and assistance in outlining and following through with a program of study leading to the successful completion of the student’s objectives. Degree-seeking students are assigned to an academic advisor. Prior to registration, students must meet with their academic advisor to discuss class schedule options for the semester.

Successful completion of college-level courses requires a specified amount of study outside the classroom as well as within the classroom. Successful completion of a program of study is dependent upon the student’s commitment to study beyond the classroom.


Records of each student’s grades are kept on permanent file by the Office of Admissions and Records. Since these records are permanent and are frequently referred to for the purpose of supplying information to legitimate sources, such as future employers, students should be aware that they are building a future and that striving for success will benefit them while enrolled and even after graduation.

Access to Records

Students may have access to official school records that directly concern them by filing a written request. Forms for this purpose are available at the DSCC One Stop Center, located in the Student Center on the Dyersburg Campus, and at the One Stop Centers at the Gibson County and Jimmy Naifeh Centers. Requests for official transcripts can be made through MyDSCC for those students with access. A printable transcript request form is also available at www.dscc.edu. Students may challenge the records if inaccuracies are found.

The following information is not available to students: (1) letters and statements of recommendation in files prior to January 1, 1975; (2) financial information provided by parents; and (3) medical or psychological records which are created, maintained or used only in connection with the treatment of the student.

Registration for Courses

Detailed procedures for registration are given each semester in the class schedule. Registration is available online through MyDSCC, which is accessed from www.dscc.edu. More information about registration for courses and other student information services can be found at this address.

A student is not officially enrolled until he/she has completed all the requirements of registration, including payment of fees.

Repeating Courses

For the purpose of increasing mastery in a course for successful performance in a subsequent course or for the purpose of increasing the grade-point average, a student may repeat a course in which the final grade received was a “C” or lower. A student may be permitted to repeat a course in which a grade of “B” or higher was earned only with the approval of the Vice President for the College. The credit hours earned by repeating a course will be counted only one time in the cumulative total hours earned. Grades in the third and subsequent attempts are used in calculating the grade-point average.

If a course is repeated once or twice, with the exception of the grade of “W” or “AU,” the last grade earned will stand even if the last grade is an “F” and the student has previously received a grade higher than an “F.” If a course is repeated more than twice, the grades in the third and subsequent attempts are used in calculating the GPA. All repeated courses will remain on the student’s transcript.

The academic transcript reflects all grades earned in the same courses. Repeated courses are designated by the following notations:

  E -   Exclude from grade-point average (GPA)
  I -   Include in grade point-average (GPA) and Earned Hours
  A -   Include in grade point-average (GPA)

Veterans receiving educational assistance benefits may not repeat courses previously passed and for which financial assistance was received.

Semester Hour Load of Students

Sixteen to 17 credit hours is the regular or normal load per semester, and 19 credit hours is the maximum load. Any student desiring to register for more than 19 credit hours during the fall or spring semesters must (1) have completed all required learning support courses; (2) have earned a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0; (3) obtain a Request for Overload form from a DSCC One Stop Center or online at www.dscc.edu; (4) present the completed form to the Vice President for the College.

The following guide is offered to help evaluate the number of hours one should carry in accordance with the number of hours one works:

  Hours Worked per Week   Suggested Semester Hours
  40   3-6
  30   9-12
  20   12-15
  15   15-17

Schedule of Classes

The schedule of classes provided each semester is for the convenience and guidance of students and faculty. DSCC reserves the right to cancel classes that do not have sufficient enrollment. Divisions offering more than one section of the same course may cancel sections as necessary to promote the most effective instruction. Faculty assignments are also subject to change.

Transfer Policy

The following policies and procedures govern the credit that will be granted by DSCC for courses completed at other colleges and universities:

  1. Official transcripts of credits attempted from all institutions of higher education must be sent to the DSCC Office of Admissions and Records at the time of application.
  2. Credit may be granted for courses completed at other institutions of higher education. Decisions concerning the acceptance of transfer work will be determined by the following factors: (a) the educational quality of the institution from which the student transfers; (b) the comparability of the nature, content, or level of credit earned to that offered by DSCC; and (c) the appropriateness and applicability of credit earned to the programs offered by DSCC.
  3. College-level courses completed with a grade of “D” or higher at comparable institutions will be posted on the academic record as earned hours only. Grades and quality points will not be calculated in the DSCC grade point average.
  4. Learning support courses completed with a grade of “C” or higher at other Tennessee Board of Regents institutions will be posted on the academic record as earned hours only. Grades and quality points will not be calculated in the DSCC grade point average.
  5. The student is responsible for notifying the DSCC Office of Admissions and Records if a grade of “Incomplete” from a transfer institution is removed and for requesting that an official transcript indicating the grade change be sent to the DSCC Office of Admissions and Records.
  6. There is no maximum number of credit hours that can be transferred to DSCC; however, at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree must be earned through DSCC instruction.
  7. Efforts are made to evaluate official transcripts prior to a student’s initial enrollment. Students should submit official transcripts early in the application process to ensure timely evaluation. After the evaluation is completed, the student and his/her advisor are informed that the evaluation is complete.

Additional Means of Earning Credit

Additional credit hours may be awarded according to the guidelines listed below. Please contact the Office of Admissions and Records for more information.

Advanced Placement (AP)

DSCC participates in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). Students who have been admitted or are enrolled at DSCC may receive credit on the basis of the examination conducted by CEEB. To be eligible for credit, official scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the Advanced Placement Test must be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records. AP credit that is listed on an official academic transcript from another regionally-accredited institution will be honored.

Credit will be awarded for the following courses at DSCC to students who meet the minimum score requirements:


AP examination

AP Score

Credit Hours Awarded 

DSCC Equivalent Courses*

Art History

3, 4, 5


ART 2000 Art History Survey I




BIOL 1110 General Biology I



BIOL 1110 General Biology I & BIOL 1120 General Biology II

Calculus AB


MATH 1830 Applied Calculus 

4, 5

3, 4

MATH 1830 Applied Calculus or MATH 1910 Calculus I

Calculus BC



MATH 1910 Calculus I & MATH 1920 Calculus II



CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I 



CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I & CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II


3, 4, 5


ECON 2100 Principles of Macroeconomics


3, 4, 5


ECON 2200 Principles of Microeconomics

English Language

ENGL 1010 English Composition I 

4, 5


ENGL 1010 English Composition I & ENGL 1020 English Composition II

English Literature

3, 4, 5


ENGL 2210 Early British Literature & ENGL 2220 Modern British Literature

French Language & Culture



FREN 1010 Beginning French I & FREN 1020 Beginning French II  

German Language & Culture



GERM 1010 Beginning German I & GERM 1020 Beginning German II 

Music Theory

3, 4, 5


MUS 1057 Music Theory I

Physics B



PHYS 2010 Non-Calculus Physics I



PHYS 2010 Non-Calculus Physics I & PHYS 2020 Non-Calculus Physics II 

Physics C



Pt. 1 PHYS 2110 Calculus-Based Physics I 



Pt. 2 PHYS 2120 Calculus-Based Physics II


3, 4, 5


PSYC 1030 Introduction to Psychology

Spanish Language  



SPAN 1010 Beginning Spanish I & SPAN 1020 Beginning Spanish II



SPAN 1010 Beginning Spanish I, SPAN 1020 Beginning Spanish II, & SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I 



SPAN 1010 Beginning Spanish I, SPAN 1020 Beginning Spanish II, SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I, & SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II


3, 4, 5


MATH 1530 Introductory Statistics

U.S. History

3, 4, 5


HIST 2010 Early United States History & HIST 2020 Modern United States History

U.S. Government & Politics

3, 4, 5


POLS 1030 American Government

World History

3, 4, 5


HIST 2310 Early World History & HIST 2320 Modern World History






























Armed Services Credit

DSCC grants credit for appropriate educational experiences in the armed services in accordance with the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Veterans should submit a copy of the DD214 to the Office of Admissions and Records and request that an official Joint Services Transcript be sent. The official transcript may be requested through https://jst.doded.mil/official.html.                                                                                        

Students who plan to receive educational benefits through the Veterans Administration must provide documentation concerning all prior learning, including, but not limited to, transcripts from all regionally-accredited colleges and universities in addition to the copy of the DD214 and Joint Services Transcript.

Credit may also be awarded for other types of prior learning. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the Office of Admissions and Records about any prior learning and to see that official documents are submitted to that office. Please note that “official” transcripts and test scores are those sent directly to the Office of Admissions and Records from the issuing institution or agency.

Those service members requesting Advanced Pay must see that all required documents are submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records and the Veterans Affairs Counselor at least six weeks prior to the deadline for requesting Advanced Pay.

Educational benefits through the Veterans Affairs may not be paid until the service member desiring to attend DSCC has met all admission requirements and has been admitted to a degree-seeking or approved certificate program. For more information about receiving credit for prior learning, contact the Office of Admissions and Records or the Veterans Affairs Counselor.

Cambridge International Examinations

Credit will be awarded for the following AS (Advanced Subsidiary) and A (Advanced) Levels:




DSCC Equivalent Course

Credit Hours Awarded



A, B, C

ACCT 1010, 1020

3, 3



A, B, C

BIOL 1110, 1120

4, 4



A, B

CHEM 1110, 1120

4, 4



A, B, C

CHIN 1010, 1020

3, 3



A, B, C

ECON 2100, 2200

3, 3



A, B, C

ENGL 1010




A, B, C

ENGL 2310, 2320

3, 3



A, B, C

ENGL 2310




A, B, C

FREN 1010, 1020

3, 3



A, B, C

GERM 1010, 1020

3, 3



A, B, C

MATH 1910




A, B

PHYS 2010, 2020

4, 4



A, B, C

PSYC 1030



A or AS

A, B, C

SOCI 1010




A, B, C

SPAN 1010, 1020

3, 3


College Level Examination Program

A student may earn credit for college course material through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) according to the following criteria:

  1. Credit will be given for acceptable scores in Subject Examinations only.
  2. Credit will not be given for scores in CLEP General Examinations.
  3. The English Composition CLEP examination must include a written essay for credit to be awarded.

To receive credit for a CLEP examination, a student must attain a score of at least 50 as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE). Official test scores from Educational Testing Service or CLEP credit posted on an official academic transcript from another regionally-accredited institution must be submitted to the Office of Records before credit can be awarded. CLEP examinations may be taken on the Dyersburg Campus by appointment. To schedule an appointment, please call the Distance Education Office at 731-286-3292.

Credit for Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) Rating

DSCC awards up to 15 semester hours of college credit for successful completion of the CAP Examination. Students enrolled at DSCC who have passed the CAP Examination may be awarded 15 semester hours of credit from the following list:

ADMIN 1308 Office Procedures 3 semester hours
ADMN 1309 Records Management 3 semester hours
ADMIN 2308 Administrative Office Management 3 semester hours
BUSN 1310 Business Communications 3 semester hours
BUSN 2330 Principles of Management  3 semester hours
BUSN 2340 Human Resource Management 3 semester hours

A student desiring to receive credit for the CAP exam should request that his/her test scores or pass/fail results of the exam be sent from the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) directly to the Office of Records. The student should then contact the Dean of Career, Technical and Distance Education for a determination of specific course credit to be awarded. A written verification of the credit to be awarded should be sent to the Office of Records. The specified courses will then be posted to the DSCC transcript. The student will receive earned hours but no quality points; therefore, the awarding of this credit will not affect the student’s grade point average.

Credit for English Composition

DSCC awards six hours of credit for ENGL 1010  and ENGL 1020   to students with an ACT English subscore of 32 or above. Students who have previously taken ENGL 1010 and/or ENGL 1020 and earned a passing or failing grade are not eligible. Credit awarded by other regionally-accredited institutions on the basis of ACT scores for ENGL 1010 and/or ENGL 1020 will be honored.

Credit by Department Examination

Students who have achieved competence equivalent to that offered in a course of instruction at DSCC through on-the-job training, previous instruction, or other methods may receive credit by challenge examination. To receive credit by examination, a student must:

  1. Be admitted to DSCC.
  2. Make application with the appropriate academic dean during the semester before credit is to be given, in any case, no later than the last day of regular registration as listed in the Academic Calendar.

    Note: Some programs at DSCC are not eligible for credit under this policy. The academic dean will inform the applicant if a Department Examination is not an option.
  3. The student must demonstrate completion of all course prerequisites.
  4. If the academic dean is satisfied that the student has a reasonable chance to be successful on the examination, an examination of the course will be scheduled not later than the first week of classes.
  5. The student will be required to pay the appropriate fee for the challenge examination before testing. (See the Fees and Expenses section of this catalog.)
  6. The academic dean or designee will administer the examination at the scheduled time. The score will be “Pass” or “Fail.”
  7. The academic dean will indicate the score of the examination on the application and forward the application to the Office of Admissions and Records. If the score on the examination is “Pass,” the student will be given credit for the course. If the score is “Fail,” the application will be placed in the student’s record.
  8. If a student makes a score of “Fail” on a challenge examination on or before the Last Day to Add, the student may register for the course section if an opening is available. Any additional fees for the course must be paid at the time of registration.

Students must complete 12 credit hours prior to having Credit by Examination credit hours placed on their transcripts. Department examinations may not be taken in the elementary level of a field in which the student has received credit for advanced work. A student may challenge a course only one time, and a challenge may not be used to remove any grade previously recorded.

Course Credit for Industry Certifications

The following courses offered by DSCC can be mapped to Industry Certifications in the Information Technology field. For students to receive credit for their certifications, the certifications must be current: 3 years old or less. If a student holds a lifetime CompTIA certification, an evaluation based on time of certification and experience in the field will be made.

DSCC Course

Industry Certification Mapping

CITC 1300 - Beginning HTML & CSS

MTA 98-375

CITC 1302 - Introduction to Networking

CompTIA Network+

CITC 1320 - A+ Hardware and Software

CompTIA A+

CITC 1323 - CCNA I and CITC 1324 - CCNA II


CITC 1330 - Microsoft Desktop Operating Systems

Microsoft 70-697  -or-
Microsoft 70-698

CITC 2320 - Windows Server Administration

Microsoft 70-740

CITC 2326 - Network Security

CompTIA Security+  -or-
CCNA Security

ADMIN 1311 - Word Processing I

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Expert Word

BUSN 1370 - Spreadsheet Applications

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Expert Excel

INFS 1010 - Computer Applications

CompTIA IT Fundamentals  -or-

CompTIA Strata  -or-

Microsoft Specialist (MOS) Expert Word, and

MOS Expert Excel, and/or MOS Access, and/or


Credit for Industry Examinations and Certifications for Engineering Systems Technology (EST)

DSCC awards college credit in the Engineering Systems Technology (EST) Program for successful completion of the PMMI Examinations as listed below:

PMMI Industrial Electricity 2 Exam:

EETC 1311

Electrical Circuit I

3 semester hours

EETC 2311 

Power Technology

3 semester hours

 EETC 2333

Industrial Electronic Controls

3 semester hours

PMMI Mechatronics: Mechanical Components 1 Exam:

ENST 1360 

Mechanical Power Transmission

3 semester hours

PMMI Mechatronics: Programmable Logic Controller 1 Exam:

EETC 2331 


3 semester hours

PMMI Fluid Power 1 Exam:

ENTC 2361 

Fluid Power Systems

3 semester hours


DSCC awards Engineering Systems Technology (EST) course credit for successful completion of the following Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician Certifications:

MSSC Safety Certification:

  ENST 1350

Industrial Safety

3 semester hours

MSSC Quality Practices & Measurement Certification:

  ENST 1353

Quality and Inspection

3 semester hours

MSSC Production & Processes Certification:

ENST 1370 

Manufacturing Processes

3 semester hours

MSSC Maintenance Awareness Certification:

ENST 2362 

Total Productive Maintenance

3 semester hours

Dual Credit (Credit by Assessment)

Through articulation, Dual Credit or Credit by Assessment is an opportunity available to recent high school graduates (within two years of graduation) to receive credit and/or advanced placement at DSCC for specific courses completed in high school.

The Dual Credit process begins while the student is enrolled in high school and culminates after the student graduates from high school and enrolls at DSCC.

To apply for Dual Credit, a high school student must adhere to the following procedures:

  1. Complete a high school course which aligns with a DSCC course.
  2. Pass the challenge exam for the DSCC articulated course.
  3. With the assistance of the high school guidance counselor or instructor, complete an Application for Dual Credit and send it to the Dean of Career, Technical and Distance Education or Dean of Arts and Sciences.

Following high school graduation:

  1. Within two years of high school graduation, enroll as a degree-seeking student at DSCC.
  2. After the census date, dual credit for the articulated course will be posted to the DSCC transcript.

Note: Articulated credit applications will be held for two years after the student has graduated from high school.

Credit for Tennessee Law Enforcement/Correction Academy

All Tennessee Law Enforcement/Corrections officers are required to complete an extensive training program at the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy or the Tennessee Correction Academy. Students enrolled at DSCC who have completed specific training programs at these academies may be granted up to nine credit hours as listed below.

Students completing the prescribed training in 1991 or thereafter at the Tennessee Correction Academy may receive the following credit:  CRMJ 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice  and three semester credit hours of CRMJ electives. Students completing the prescribed training in 1989 or thereafter at the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy may receive the following credit: CRMJ 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice  and six semester credit hours of CRMJ electives. This credit may be awarded once the student has completed a minimum of 12 college-level semester credit hours at DSCC.

Students who want to receive this credit must submit an Academy diploma or certificate to the DSCC Office of Admissions and Records. The diploma or certificate must indicate the date training was completed since restrictions do apply.

Credit for Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (formerly Tennessee Technology Centers) Training

Students who complete certain courses at the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology may be eligible to receive credit in specific DSCC courses. For more information, contact the Director of the applicable College of Applied Technology; the DSCC Office of Admissions and Records; or the Dean of Career, Technical and Distance Education.

International Baccalaureate Examinations

DSCC recognizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma and individual IB courses by awarding the following credit on International Baccalaureate standard or higher-level examinations.

Standard Level IB Courses

Minimum Required Score

DSCC Equivalent Course

Credit Hours Awarded

Art A (SL)


ART 1035


Art B (SL)


ART 1035


Economics (SL)


ECON 2100, 2200

3, 3

French (SL)


FREN 1010, 1020

3, 3



FREN 2010, 2020

3, 3

German (SL)


GERM 1010, 1020

3, 3



GERM 2010, 2020

3, 3

Language A1 (SL)


ENGL 1010




ENGL 1010, 1020

3, 3

Mathematics (SL)


MATH 1710




MATH 1710, 1830

3, 3

Music A (SL)


MUS 1030


Psychology (SL)


PSYC 1030


Spanish (SL)


SPAN 1010, 1020

3, 3



SPAN 2010, 2020

3, 3

Theatre Arts (SL)


THEA 1030


Higher Level IB Courses




Chemistry (HL)


CHEM 1110, 1120

4, 4

Economics (HL)


ECON 2100, 2200

3, 3

French A1 (HL)


FREN 1010, 1020




FREN 2010, 2020

3, 3

German A1 (HL)


GERM 1010, 1020

3, 3



GERM 2010, 2020

3, 3

Language A1 (HL)


ENGL 1010




ENGL 1010, 1020

3, 3

Mathematics (HL)


MATH 1910


Philosophy (HL)


PHIL 1030


Physics (HL)


PHYS 2010, 2020

4, 4

Spanish A1 (HL)


SPAN 1010, 1020

3, 3



SPAN 2010, 2020

3, 3

Theatre Arts (HL)


THEA 1030


Transcript of Credits

Transcripts will be furnished free of charge up to a maximum of six copies per semester. A fee of $1 will be charged for each additional transcript. Requests for official transcripts may be made through MyDSCC for students who have access. All other transcript requests must be in writing. No telephone requests will be accepted. While facsimile transcript requests will be accepted, DSCC does not send transcripts to individuals, agencies or other institutions by facsimile.

Withdrawal from the College

Students who find it necessary to withdraw from DSCC must do so within the Academic Calendar deadlines stated in the DSCC Catalog and Student Handbook. Students may withdraw online from all courses until the deadline to drop, withdraw, or change to audit.

Dropping or Withdrawing Due to Mitigating Circumstances

Students who drop a class in compliance with the stated deadlines will not receive a punitive grade in the class. Students who withdraw from a class after the stated deadlines will receive a grade of “F” unless existing mitigating circumstances are approved by the Dean of Student Services.

If a student feels he/she has mitigating circumstances for dropping a course(s) or withdrawing from the College AFTER the last day to officially drop or withdraw without receiving a punitive grade(s) of “F,” the student must:

  1. Submit a letter stating the need and reason for the drop or withdrawal.
  2. Provide adequate, written documentation to support the mitigating circumstances claimed in the request for the non-punitive withdrawal or drop after the official deadline.
  3. Secure the approval (signature) of his/her instructor(s) AND advisor. If the student is not degree seeking, only the signature of the instructor(s) is required.
  4. Request a “case review” from the Dean of Student Services. The Dean of Student Services will review the documentation and make a recommendation on the petition for change in enrollment status.

Please note: A case review does not guarantee automatic approval of a class drop or withdrawal from the College without punitive grades.

Approved mitigating circumstances for changing registration after stated deadlines are as follows:

  1. Illness of the student or immediate family;
  2. Death in the immediate family;
  3. Change of conditions of employment;
  4. Financial emergency;
  5. Other circumstances beyond the student’s control which are deemed to justify exception to the withdrawal policy.

The student is required to provide adequate written documentation to support the specific mitigating circumstances claimed in the request for non-punitive change in enrollment status after the published deadline.

If a student submits a request for a late drop or withdrawal due to mitigating circumstances AFTER the final day of the semester, in addition to Steps 1-4 above, he/she must request a grade change from an “F” to a “W” from each instructor involved or pursue the Grade Appeal Procedure outlined in the Academic Affairs and Regulations section of this catalog.

Withholding of Grades/Transcript

Students who do not have all the required credentials on file in the Office of Admissions and Records will not be able to participate in registration for the next term(s). Additionally, if the required credentials have not been received by the end of an academic term, grades will be withheld. Students who owe any debts to DSCC will not have access to their grades/transcript until these discrepancies are removed.