Feb 10, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




Tennessee Board of Regents

The College System of Tennessee

The Honorable Bill Lee
Governor of the State of Tennessee, Ex-officio, Chairman

Ms. Emily J. Reynolds, Vice Chairman

Dr. Flora Tydings, TBR Chancellor


Dr. MaryLou Apple Tullahoma
Mr. Miles Burdine Kingsport
Mr. Gregory Duckett Memphis
Mr. Mark George Memphis
Mr. Mark Gill MIddle TN At-Large
Ms. Yolanda S. Greene Nashville
Mr. Joey Hatch Nashville
Ms. Nisha Powers Memphis
Ms. Danni B. Varlan Knoxville
Mr. Weston Wamp Chattanooga
Mr. Tom White Chattanooga
Dr. Ken Goldsmith, Faculty Regent Chattanooga State Community College
Ms. Wanda Reid, Faculty Regent (nonvoting) TCAT Crossville
Mr. William McElyea, Student Regent Chattanooga State Community College

Ex-Officio Members

Dr. Penny Schwinn Commissioner of Education
Mr. Mike Krause Executive Director at Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Mr. Charles Hatcher Commissioner of Agriculture

DSCC Foundation Board of Directors

Mr. Jeff Agee, First Citizens National Bank, Dyersburg
  Chair of the Board of Directors of DSCC Foundation

Dr. Kevin Cook, C & C Pharmacy, Dyersburg
     Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of DSCC Foundation

Dr. Sharron Burnett, DSCC, Dyersburg
     Treasurer of the Board of Directors of DSCC Foundation

Mr. Bill Boehmler, Boehmler-Shelton Wealth Advisors, Dyersburg
Dr. Karen A. Bowyer, DSCC, Dyersburg
Mr. Charles Brasfield, Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh Law Firm, Covington
Ms. Tena Bryan, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare-North, Atoka
Dr. Loren Crown, Physician, Covington
Mr. Tony Dement, Retired, Tony Dement Construction, Dyersburg
Mr. Matt Duggan, DOT Foods, Inc., Dyersburg
Mr. Joe Emery, ERMCO, Dyersburg
Ms. Patsy Fee, Retired, Tipton County Schools, Brighton
Mr. John Ford, Ford Construction, Dyersburg
Mr. David Hayes, Security Bank, Dyersburg
Mr. John Lannom, Attorney at Law, Dyersburg
Ms. Judy Long, First Citizens National Bank, Dyersburg
Ms. Debra Moody, TN State Representative, Covington
Mr. Warren Nunn, Bank of Halls, Halls
Ms. Lana Orchard, RapidCare, Dyersburg
Mr. Eugene Pugh, Mayor of Halls, Halls
Ms. Kari Romero, D & B Properties-Sonic, Dyersburg
Mr. Paul Rose, Rose Construction, Covington
Mr. Danny Walden, Retired Educator, Director PDC, Dyersburg
Dr. Amanda Walker, DSCC Dyersburg, Secretary of Foundation
Mr. Danny Watson, Simmons Bank, Dyersburg
Mr. Larry White, White and Associates, Dyersburg
Mr. Patrick Williams, Johnson-Williams Funeral Home, Newbern
Mr. Jim Wyatt, Simmons Bank, Atoka


Board Members Emeritus

Mr. Bill Adcock
Mr. Bill Cloar
Ms. Sami Dietrich
Mr. M.E. Magee
Mr. Glenn Thurman


Gifts and Bequests to the Dyersburg State Community College Foundation

The Dyersburg State Community College Foundation welcomes gifts and bequests to further its educational purposes. The College is empowered to receive gifts and bequests of cash, property, life insurance, equipment, and facilities to strengthen its academic programs and provide scholarships for its students. Opportunities for gifts in memory or in honor of an individual range from purchase of a library book or a customary memorial gift to the establishment of an endowed scholarship or underwriting the cost of a facility.


Office of the President

Dr. Karen Bowyer President
Edith Carlton, C.A.P. Administrative Assistant II

Office of the Vice President for the College

Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch   Vice President for the College
Judy Stover Executive Secretary to the Vice President
Mary Ricks Director of Institutional Research

Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services

Dr. Sharron Burnett Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services
  Executive Secretary II to the Vice President

Office of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education

Dr. Amanda Walker Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education
Beth Feith Executive Secretary II to the Vice President

Office of the Vice President for Information Technology

Josh Duggin Vice President for Information Technology
Luciana Shaw, C.A.P. Executive Secretary II to the Vice President


Administrative Council

Dennis Anderson Dean, Division of Career, Technical and Distance Education
Sherry Baker Counselor/ADA Coordinator
Jimmy Barham Dean, Division of Arts and Sciences
Karen Bowyer President
Sharron Burnett Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services
Edith Carlton Administrative Assistant II, President’s Office
Susan Charley Dean, Learning Resource Center
Josh Duggin Vice President for Information Technology
Amy Finch Director, Public Information
Vacant Dean, Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County
Larenda Fultz Dean, Student Services
Sheila Gillahan Director, Human Resources/AA/EEO Officer/Title VI Coordinator
Julie Griggs Director, Gibson County Center
Christy Hamilton Faculty Assembly Chair
Kacee Hardy Director, Financial Aid
Kent Jetton Director, Physical Plant
Amy Johnson Dean, Division of Nursing
Tracie Keith Assistant Director, Recruitment
Chad Kline Director, Athletics/Men’s Basketball Head Coach
Kelly Maupin Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education
Donna Mealer Manager, Business & Student Financial Services
Beth Mullins Director, Administrative Services
Sandra Pruett Director, Internal Auditor
Rebecca Reeves Coordinator, Adult Student
Jan Reid-Bunch Vice President for the College
Paul Rhodes Director, Information Technology
Mary Ricks Director, Institutional Research
Erin Smith Director, Student Life, JNC
Connie Stewart Executive Director, Workforce Services
Paul Stewart Director, TRIO
Stephen Thomas Director, Student Life
Sarah Twaddle Veterans Academic Success Coach
Amanda Walker Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education
Pat Walker Director of Admissions and Records
Cynthia Webb Finance Manager
Van Wylie Director, Tennessee Small Business Development Center


Teresa Adams, C.A.P. Secretary III,TRIO
Jeff Alford Instructional Support Specialist
Rodney Alford, C.A.P. Learning Resource Center Assistant III
Crystal Allen Public Relations Specialist
Shirley Armstrong Custodian
James Beel, Jr. Financial Aid Counselor
April Boals, C.A.P. Graduation Analyst
Phyllis Boone Secretary II, Career, Technical and Distance Education/SBDC
Gary Box Custodial & Ground Supervisor
Rita Brawner Account Clerk II
Lindsey Campbell Secretary I, Gym
Jacqueline Cherry, C.A.P. Secretary III, Division of Nursing
Constance Clay, C.A.P. Executive Aide II, Institutional Advancement and Alumni Affairs
Louis Cook Instructional Support Specialist
Robin Cottrell Custodian/Housekeeper
Linda Crouch Library Assistant II
Jennifer Cruz Financial Aid Counselor
Linda Davis Custodian
April Dunevant Business & Financial Services Specialist
Adam Dunlap, C.A.P. Lead Testing Technician
Eula Dyson Custodian
Mary Lynn Edwards, C.A.P. Account Clerk II
Elizabeth Feith Executive Secretary II, Institutional Advancement
Otis Fields Custodian
Julie Fulcher Custodian
Lindsey Gidcumb TECTA Specialist
Randy Golden HVAC/Lead Mechanic II
Robert Gourley Computer and Telephone Technician
Kacie Haeberle Continuing Education Program Specialist
Micah Hardin Dual Enrollment Specialist
Janna Harner Academic Success Center Coordinator
Donna Hartman Computer Lab Technician
Tim Hathcock, C.A.P. Distance Education Support Coordinator
Tanzy Henson Administrative Clerk II, Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County
Carl Hicks Custodian
Joe Hill Custodian
Ellaine Hollingsworth Tutor Coordinator
Donna Hunter, C.A.P. Information Clerical Assistant, TECTA
Larrick Johnson Custodian
Ashley Jones Secretary II, Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County
Christie Jones TECTA
Deborah Jones, C.A.P. Payroll Manager
Jessica Jones Secretary II, Gibson County Center
Steven Tyler Jones Counselor, Upward Bound
Vacant Executive Secretary II, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services
Andrea Lents Custodian, Gibson County Center
Carlos Lindsley Custodian
Nancy Lott Custodian
Terry Lovell Utility Worker II
Julia Lynch TECTA Specialist
Melisa Manuel Distance Education Specialist
Katherine Markley Administrative Clerk II, Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County
Rebecca Marvin Counselor, Upward Bound
Alexandria McCuiston Custodian
Vacant Admissions Counselor
Barbara Moody, C.A.P. Account Clerk II/Switchboard Operator
Karen Norfolk Assistant Academic Success Center Coordinator
Charles Norfork Utility Maintenance Worker
Linda Norvell, C.A.P. Admissions & Records Specialist
William “Dalton” Osborne Network Security Analyst
Ewa Pate Secretary III, Division of Arts and Science
Dusty Paulsen Financial Aid Counselor
Dana Penn Evening Coordinator, Gibson County Center
Heather Pepple Tutor Coordinator
Micki Poe Financial Aid Counselor
Stacie Purvis, C.A.P. Secretary III, Learning Support Program
Penny Reasons Custodian
Rebecca Reeves Adult Student Coordinator
Steven Robey, C.A.P. Print Shop/Purchasing Clerk
Denise Schoen Financial Aid Counselor
Nicole Shanklin Tutor Coordinator
Luciana Shaw, C.A.P. Executive Aide II, Vice President for Technology
Joanna Simonton Academic Coordinator
Ashley Smith Secretary II, English Department
Sammy Smith Custodian
Larry Stafford Maintenance Mechanic Lead Worker
Judy Stover Executive Secretary I, Vice President for the College
Paxton Stover Business & Student Financial Services Clerk
Paul Stringham Multimedia Specialist
Bryan Sykes Maintenance Utility Worker
James Taylor TECTA Family Care Specialist
John Thomas Custodian
Lindsey Thompson Evening Coordinator, Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County
Amy Ward Human Resources Specialist
Therese Warmath Test Technician I
Aaron West Custodian
Jacqueline Williams Enrollment Services Assistant
Vacant Executive Aide II, Student Services
Kristy Williams, C.A.P. Admissions & Records Specialist
Becky Willis Lead Custodian

Workforce Development Division

Listing current as of December 2020

William Brown Career Advisor
Wilma Capps Career Advisor
Olivia Capps Career Advisor
Angie Chadwick Employment Specialist II
Sara Cooper Career Advisor
Pat Eddlemon Employment Specialist II
Marcia Fields Career Services Coordinator
Jeannie Mathis Director of Career Services
Renee Mitchell Employment Specialist
Rhonda Mitchum Career Advisor
Allyson Parker Career Advisor
Merline Pritchard Employment Specialist
Rex Smith Employment Specialist
Connie Stewart Executive Director of Workforce Services
Catherine Vandyke Quality Coordinator
Amber Walker Financial Coordinator
Starla Wilson Employment Specialist
Connie Wright Career Advisor

Advisory Committees

The members of the Dyersburg State Community College advisory committees are citizens representing professions, businesses and occupations in the service area of the College. The purpose of the committees is to assist in determining the needs of the community for College services and to make appropriate recommendations.

African American Advisory Committee

Will Ann Avery, Lake County High School (Retired), Tiptonville
Lamar Bartlett, Community Member, Dyersburg
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Alice Eison, Dyersburg City Schools (Retired), Dyersburg
Larenda Fultz, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Cora Hughes, Retired, Tiptonville
Mary Jones, Children and Family Services, Covington
Rev. James Luvene, Ross United Methodist Church, Dyersburg
Mary Martin, Community Member, Dyersburg
Ed Parker, Hastings Realty, Dyersburg
Margaret Parr, Parr Realty, Community Resource Development Organization, Dyersburg
Michael Parr, Parr Realty, Dyersburg
Ronald J. Reed, DDS, Dyersburg
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Vernita Turner, Dyer County High School, Newbern
Thomas White, Dyersburg City Schools (Retired), Dyersburg

Business Advisory Committee

Tommy Allmon, White and Associates, Dyersburg
Dr. Jimmy Barham, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Angelica Binkley, Jones, Hamilton & Lay PLC, Dyersburg
Jared Burdette, Charms, Covington
Laura Beth Butler, First Citizens National Bank, Dyersburg
Danny Byrd, Charms, Covington
Paul Carson, Tigrett and Pennington, Dyersburg
David Channell, Rose Construction, Covington
Dr, Kevin Cook, C & C Pharmacy, Dyersburg
Dr. Wayne Corlis, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Martha Crites, CPA, Halls
Chris Donaldson, Tencom, Dyersburg
Joe Enoch, Joe M. Enoch & Associates, CPA, Dyersburg
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Penny Guthrie, D & B Properties, Dyersburg
Parker Harris, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Covington
Kerrie Heckethorn, First Citizens National Bank, Dyersburg
Bethany Huffman, CPA, Millington
Jeff Hunter, Covington
Daniel King, Charms, Covington
Kelley McCoy, Nortek, Dyersburg
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Teresa Keeton Tomson, First Citizens National Bank, Dyersburg
Ronald Williams, Nortek, Dyersburg
Bryan Zigo, Nortek, Dyersburg

Computer Information Technology Advisory Committee

Rodney Alford, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Dennis Anderson, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Dr. Jimmy Barham, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Jerry Cantrell, First Citizens National Bank, Dyersburg
Chris Donaldson, Tencom, Dyersburg
Josh Duggin, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
George Edley, CompCams, Memphis
Joanne Phillips-Edley, Dyersburg State Community College, Covington
Brenda Fincher, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Brian Heard, Snappy Computers, Covington
Matthew Hughes, United States Cold Storage (Unilever), Covington
Bob Mayfield, Chairperson, Electronic Communications Systems, Dyersburg
Kenny Milan, Dyer County Schools, Dyersburg
Kayla Newman, Games Workshop, Memphis
Susan Osborne, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Carter Phillips, Dyer County High School
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Doyle Sanders, Sandstorm IT, Atoka
Mike Scallion, ProTech Systems, IT, Alamo
Russ Shepard, ERMCO, Dyersburg


Corrections/Law Enforcement Advisory Committee

Bryan Avery, Lake County Sheriff’s Department, Tiptonville
Richard Barnes, Newbern Police Department, Newbern
Randal Baskin, Munford Police Dept., Munford
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Jeff Box, Sheriff, Dyer County, Dyersburg
Michael Brooks, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
April Buckner, TN Dept. of Correction, West Region Rehabilitative Services, Memphis
J.T. Chumley, Sheriff, Tipton County
Thom Corley, Jackson Police Department, Jackson
Bill Cusson, Trenton Police Department, Trenton
Billy Daughtery, Tipton County Sheriff’s Office, Tipton County
Stanley Dickerson, Women’s Therapeutic Residential Center, Henning
Barry Diebold, Chief of Police, Brownsville
Mark Dunbar, Covington Police Department, Covington
Michael Durham, Chief of Police, Brighton
Joe England, Tiptonville Police Department, Tiptonville
Johnny Fitz, West Tennessee State Penitentiary, Henning
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Billy Garrett, Jr., Sheriff, Haywood County
Tim Glass, Covington Police Department, Covington
Danny Goodman, Attorney General, Dyersburg
Lynn Gould, Ripley Police Department, Ripley
Hilton Hall, Jr., Hardeman County Correctional Facility, Whiteville
Lana Hardin, West TN Region Hearing Offices, Dyersburg Probation, Dyersburg
Steve Isbell, Chief of Police, Dyersburg
Karl Jackson, Sheriff, Obion County
Taurean James, Memphis
Troy Klyce, Crockett County Sheriff’s Department, Alamo
Jonathan Lebo, Memphis
Larry Lindsey, Covington Police Department, Covington
Trinity Minter, Memphis
Clay Newman, Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Department, Ripley
Grady Perry, Memphis
Shawn Phillips, Tiptonville
Jessie Poole, Chief of Police, Atoka
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Steve Sanders, Sheriff, Lauderdale County
Jeff Sills, Alamo Police Dept., Alamo
Terry Smith, Brownsville Police Department, Brownsville
Paul Thomas, Gibson County Sheriff’s Department, Trenton
Julian Wiser, Jackson Police Department, Jackson

Early Childhood Education Advisory Committee

Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Kathie Cothern, Southwest Child Care Resource and Referral, Jackson
Linda DeBerry, Dyersburg Primary School, Dyersburg
William Dooley, UTM, Family and Consumer Sciences, Martin
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Lindsey Gidcumb, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance Management, Trenton
Julie Griggs, Dyersburg State Community College Gibson County Center, Trenton
Elizabeth Hailey, Tennessee Early Intervention Services, Jackson
Candace S. Harrington, Helping Hands Learning Center, Dyersburg
Marti Herndon, Promethean Foundation, Union City
Donna Hunter, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
Teena Jarmon, Promethean Foundation, Union City
Briana Jimenez, Signal Centers, Infant and Toddler Specialist: West, Martin
Julia Lynch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Kelly Maupin, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
June McCourt, Peabody High School, Trenton
April McKinney, Tennessee Dept. of Human Services, Jackson
Jenny Patterson, Tennessee Early Intervention System, Northwest District, Martin
Sandra Presson, Southwest Tennessee Childcare Resource and Referral, Jackson
Susan Presson, Southwest Head Start, Henderson
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
James Taylor, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
Lin Venable, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance Management, Tennessee State University, Nashville
Cathy Waggoner, Promethean Foundation, Union City
Christy Wallsmith, Signal Centers, Infant and Toddler Specialist: West, Humboldt
Rema Wilson, Northwest Tennessee Head Start/Early Head Start, Family and Community, McKenzie
Van Wylie, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg

Early Childhood Education Advisory Committee - Tipton County

Janet Abel, Making Memories Christian Child Care Center, Atoka
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Susan Cheairs, Tipton County Public Library, Covington
Patsy Fee, Tipton County Schools (Retired), Brighton
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Connie Gammons, Dyersburg
Mary Jones, Children and Family Services, Covington
Tarina Laxton, Southwest TN Childcare Resource & Referral, Jackson
Eugenia London, Department of Human Services, Jackson
Kelly Maupin, Dyersburg State Community College, Trenton
Kristin Mitchell, Tennessee Department of Human Services, Jackson
Jerri Moore, Early Learning and Wellness, CCR and R Signal Centers, Jackson
Cassandra Perkins, Cassandra’s Family Child Care Home, Munford
Sharon Perry, Licensing Program Evaluator, Department of Human Services, Southwest Region (retired), Jackson
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Dr. Lowell Winston, Northwest Tennessee Head Start, Jackson
Van Wylie, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory Committee

Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Kevin Cagle, State of Tennessee, Department of Health, Nashville
Vincent Clark, EMS Officer, Memphis Fire Department, Memphis
David T. Conner, M.D., Medical Director for BMH Tipton ER, Covington
Dr. Loren Crown, M.D. (Retired), Covington
Autumn Delashmit - ER Nursing Administrator, BMH Tipton, Covington
Jennifer Downing, Covington High School, HOSA, Covington
Eric Echtencamp, West TN Ambulance, Dyersburg
Anthony Fonseca, DSCC AEMT Student, Lakeland
James Fountain, ER Director for JMCGH, Jackson
Dan Fowlkes, Gibson County EMS Director, Trenton
James Fox, DSCC Alumni EMS/Nursing programs, Hornbeak
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Richard Griggs, Covington Fire Department, Covington
Justin Hanson, Mayor, Covington
Mark Heaston, Covington Fire Department, Covington
John Holden, Mayor of Dyersburg, Dyersburg
Dr. Joseph Holley, M.D., Memphis Fire Department, Memphis
Jeff Huffman, Tipton County Courthouse, Covington
Amy Johnson, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
June McCourt, Peabody High School, Trenton
Joyce Noles, West Tennessee Healthcare Medical Center EMS, Jackson
Danny Parker, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Brandy Pilcher, DSCC Paramedic Program, Ripley
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Carrie Ross, DSCC AEMT Student, Lakeland
Brigham Scallion, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Rives Seay, Lauderdale Ambulance Authority, Ripley
Lori Witherington, Brighton High School, HOSA, Brighton
Brad Woody, Air Evac Life Team, Dyersburg

Engineering Systems Technology (EST) Advisory Committee

Jonathan Ballantine, Nortek, Dyersburg
Tom Bell, SRG, Newbern
Emily Billingsly, Williams Sausage, Union City
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
LaDon Byars, Colonial DDP, Dyersburg
Phillip Cottrel, Develey Mustard & Condiments Corp., Dyersburg
Heather Davis, DOT Foods, Dyersburg
H.T. Davis, Charms, Covington
Jimmy Deese, Omni-Tech, Dyersburg
Tony Dew, American Greetings, Ripley
Karen Fair, SRG Global, Newbern
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Bernadette Fuller, Unilever, Covington
Kevin Gay, Mueller Fittings, Covington
Steve Griffin, Delfield Co., Covington
Jamie Haislip, Mueller Fittings, Covington
Lana Hammons, Develey Mustard & Condiments Corp., Dyersburg
Bryan Hartman, Omni-Tech, Dyersburg
Roger Hensley, ERMCO, Dyersburg
Kevin James, American Greetings, Ripley
Kent Jetton, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Emily Land, Marvin Windows, Ripley
John Latimer, Pictsweet, Bells
Logan Lawrence, Pictsweet, Bells
Clint Lebeau, NSK, Dyersburg
Marc Liddell, Nortek, Dyersburg
Chad Lowery, PolyOne Engineered Materials, Dyersburg
Stacey Max, Marvin Windows, Ripley
Renee Murray, Frazier Industrial Company, Dyersburg
Charles Norsworthy, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Ted Piazza, Rack-It Industries, LLC, Dyer
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Don Renfroe, NSK, Dyersburg
Jim Robinson, Charms, Covington
Peggy Smithback, Wis-Pak of Dyersburg, Dyersburg
Sherri Spencer, MacLean Power Systems, Trenton
Gary Steelman, Jr., SRG Global, Ripley
Connie Stewart, Workforce Development, Dyersburg
David Sullivan, Manufacturing Skill Standards Council, Lexington
Edie Thompson, NSK, Dyersburg
Aaron Tiede, Nortek Global HVAC, Dyersburg
Jeff Tucker, Tyson Foods, Union City
Michael Whitaker, Nortek, Dyersburg
Roger Williams, Williams Sausage, Union City
Barry Wilson, Marvin Windows & Doors, Ripley
Van Wylie, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg

DSCC Gibson County Advisory Committee

Julie Allen-Burke, Milan Chamber of Commerce, Milan
Corinthian Barnett, DSCC Student Representative, Humboldt
Dan Black, Bradford Special School District, Bradford
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Kingsley Brock, Economic Development Director, Gibson County
Peggy Davis, Gibson County Literacy Program, Trenton
Gil Fletcher, Community Member, Humboldt
Tim Griggs, Centennial Bank, Rutherford
Curtis Halford, Tennessee State Representative, Dyer
Tim Haney, Trenton Special School District, Trenton
Rickey Hooker, Peabody High School, Trenton
Ricky Jackson, Mayor of Trenton, Trenton
Colby Lents, Community Member, Trenton
Amanda Love, Humboldt Chamber of Commerce, Humboldt
Vanessa Presson, Tyson Foods, Humboldt
Eddie Pruett, Gibson County Special School District, Dyer
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Pat Riley, Community Member, Trenton
Paul Thomas, Gibson County Sheriff, Trenton
Cleora Turner, Community Member, Trenton
Libby Wickersham, Executive Director, Greater Gibson County Chamber of Commerce, Trenton
Tom Witherspoon, Mayor of Gibson County, Trenton
Bill Woods, Community Member, Trenton

Health Information Management Advisory Committee West Tennessee Area

Stephanie Anderson, Sports Plus Rehab, Dyersburg
Dr. Tanveer Aslam, M.D., First Choice Medical Clinic, Dyersburg
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Baleri Cunningham, West Tennessee Healthcare, Jackson
Alice Edwards, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Tracy Hickey, Jackson-Madison County General Hospital, Jackson
Ashley Lewellying, West Tennessee Healthcare, Dyersburg
Monica McGowan, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Union City
Susan Osborne, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Tammi St. John, Henry County Medical Center, Paris
Rene Stanley, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
April West, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis
Karen Winschel, Martin
Wade Wright, Jackson
Kristopher E. Yager, Martin

Health Information Management Advisory Committee Memphis Area

Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Genia Blose, St. Francis Hospital, Bartlett
Lydia Bursi, Methodist Le Bonheur, Memphis
LaRonda Ford, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Collierville
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Lorrie Freeman, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Jamie Glenn, Methodist Le Bonheur, Memphis
Patti Gust, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis
Parker Harris, Baptist Memorial Hospital Tipton, Covington
Jaycie Hart, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Collierville
Monique Hart, Baptist Memorial Hospital Tipton, Covington
Rhonda Houghton, St. Francis Hospital, Bartlett
Carolyn Johnson, Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women, Memphis
Andy LeFever, Regional One, Memphis
Breanna Mills, Regional One, Memphis
Susan Osborne, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Kathy Perry, Methodist Hospital, Germantown
Tonia Poteet, Methodist Le Bonheur, Memphis
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Rene Stanley, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Susan Sugg, Delta Medical Center, Memphis
Claire Thompson, Memphis Lung Physician Office, Memphis
Melissa Trebiana, Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women, Memphis

Nursing Advisory Committee-Dyer County

Mary Adcock, Community Member, Newbern
Janie Bard, West TN Healthcare Dyersburg
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Lori Brown, Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union City, Union City
Kelley Burg, Nurse Practitioner, Tyson’s Bright Blue Clinic, Dyersburg
Amy Johnson, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg            
Caterina Johnson, Centurion Managed Care @WTSP, Henning
Ginger Keymon, West TN Healthcare, Jackson
Vicky Prater, Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Newbern
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Lisa Stanley, Dyer County Health Department, Dyersburg
Jan Zimmer, West Tennessee Healthcare, Dyersburg

Nursing Advisory Committee-Tipton County

Jackie Barton, CNO, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Tipton
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Brad Harrell, University of Memphis Lambuth, Jackson
Amy Johnson, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Charles Lapsley, Regional One Health, Memphis
Buffie Nelms, Tipton County Health Department, Covington
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Larry Slater, Interim Dean of Nursing, University of Memphis, Memphis
Erika Smith, Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Ripley
James “Bubba” Tettleton, Nurse Practitioner, Halls

Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) Advisory Committee

Jerrica Aguilar, Child Care Resource and Referral, Dresden
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Tammy Brewer, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, TOPSTAR, Nashville
Dana Cobb, Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth, Northwest Regions, Huntingdon
Kathie Cothern, West Tennessee Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R), Jackson
Linda DeBerry, Dyersburg Primary School, Dyersburg
Keith Dooley, The University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin
Tiffany Felton, Tennessee Department of Human Services, Trenton
Julie Frazier, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Lindsey Gidcumb, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
Mitzi Gilliam, Northwest Tennessee Head Start/Early Head Start, McKenzie
Debbie Grant, Peabody High School, Family and Consumer Sciences, Trenton
Anita Green, Tennessee Department of Human Services, Licensing, Jackson
Julie Griggs, Dyersburg State Community College Gibson County Center, Trenton
Elizabeth Hailey, Tennessee Early Intervention System, Southwest District, Jackson
Marti Herndon, Promethean Foundation, Union City
Donna Hunter, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
Christie Jones, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
Teena Lairy, Promethean Foundation, Union City
Eugenia London, Tennessee Department of Human Services, Assessment, Jackson
Julia Lynch, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
Kelly Maupin, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
Kristin Mitchell, Tennessee Department of Human Services, Assessment, Jackson
Jerri Moore, Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth, Northwest Region, Jackson
Jenny Patterson, Tennessee Early Intervention System, Northwest District, Martin
Susan Presson, Southwest Head Start, Henderson
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Patty Sharp, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
James Taylor, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance, Trenton
Lin Venable, Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance Management, Nashville
Cathy Waggoner, Promethean Foundation, Union City
Christy Wallsmith, Signal Centers, Infant and Toddler Specialist: Southwest, Humboldt
Sharon Waterfield, The University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin
Rema Wilson, AimHi TN, Jackson

DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County Advisory Committee

Phyllis Avato, Wal-Mart, Covington
Linda Baker, Baptist East Memorial Hospital, Memphis
William “Buddy” Bibb, Tipton County Schools, Covington
Dr. Karen Bowyer, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Rosemary Bridges, South Tipton County Chamber of Commerce, Munford
Harriet Cannon, USDA Service Center, Nashville
Mitch Carver, Brighton Bank, Covington
Willie Mae Chaney, BancorpSouth, Covington
Myra Cousar, Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton, Covington
Dr. Loren Crown, M.D. (Retired), Covington
Cari Dee Dawson, BankTennessee, Munford
Jerry Dupriest, Community Member, Covington
Charles Ennis, Patriot Bank, Millington
Courtney Fee, Munford High School, Munford
Tim Fite, Tipton Community Member, Covington
Robert Hagewood, Community Member, Covington
Justin Hanson, Mayor of Covington, Covington
Parker Harris, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Covington
Christy Hayden, Community Member, Covington
Delores Hayes, Career Center Coordinator (Retired), Tipton County, Covington
Jerol Hopkins, Covington Industrial Board, Covington
Jeff Huffman, Tipton County Executive, Covington
Scott Hurst, Covington Manor, Inc., Covington
Gail Johnson, Retired, Covington
Mary Jones, Children and Family Services, Covington
Barbara McBride, Community Member, Covington
John McBride, Pilgrim Rest MBE Church, Covington
Adam Miller, CSC Sugar, Covington
Judson Naifeh, Naifeh’s Cash Saver, Covington
Janet Newman, Community Member, Ripley
Nick Nichols, Insouth Bank, Covington
Brian Norton, Brighton High School, Brighton
Rick Peeler, BancorpSouth Bank, Covington
Clint Reed, Delfield Co., Covington
Dr. Jan Reid-Bunch, Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg
Paul Rose, Rose Construction, Covington
Robin Sealy, Tipton County Government, Covington
Robert Simpson, Public Works, Covington
Gary Sloan, Bank of Tipton, Covington
Thirza Sloan, Community Member, Covington
C.H. Sullivan, Patriot Bank, Covington
Ed Timberlake, Community Member, Covington
Jim Wyatt, First State Bank, Atoka


Faculty and Staff

James N. Adair (2007)
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.S., Southeast Missouri State University
B.S.Ed., Southeast Missouri State University
M.N.S., Southeast Missouri State University

Janet L. Adair (2020)
Instructor, English
A.S. Dyersburg State Community College
B.A. University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S. Arizona State University

Shawna Adams (2017)
Assistant Professor, Biology
B.S., Murray State University
M.S., Murray State University

Mary Lee Alford (2006)
Computer Programmer Analyst
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Dennis Anderson (2007)
Dean, Division of Career, Technical and Distance Education
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., The University of Memphis
M.S., Western Governors University

Shaun Awtry (2010)
Financial Services Coordinator
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Sherry Baker (2012)
Counselor and Coordinator, ADA
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S., Trevecca Nazarene University

James Barham (2011)
Dean of Arts & Science
Associate Professor
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.B.A., The University of Tennessee, Martin
Ed.D., The University of Memphis

Rebecca Bobbitt (2020)
Instructor of English
B.A., University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S., Murray State University

Gary Box (2009)
Custodial & Grounds Supervisor

Karen A. Bowyer (1984)
B.A., Knox College
M.A., Rutgers University
Ph.D., The University of Alabama

Teresa Boswell (2016)
Assistant Professor, English
B.A., The University of West Georgia
M.Ed., Columbus State University

Michael Bowen (2010)
Associate Professor, Economics
B.B.A., The University of Mississippi
M.A., The University of Mississippi

Michael Brooks (2011)
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
B.S., West Illinois University
M.S., California State University

Tyler Brown (2020)
Assistant Men’s Baseball Coach
B.S., Delta State University
M.S., Delta State University

Edith Carlton (2002)
Administrative Assistant II
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.A., Bethel College

Susan Charley (2007)
Dean, Learning Resource Center
A.A., Jefferson Community College
B.A., State University College at Oswego
M.L.S., The University of New York at Buffalo

Kellie Dawn Chalk (2002)
Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., Union University
M.S.N., Union University

J. Clint Clifft (2001)
Professor, History
A.S., Jackson State Community College
B.A., The University of Memphis
M.A., The University of Memphis
Ph.D., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Wayne Corlis (2017)
Assistant Professor, Business and Accounting
B.S., Davenport University
M.B.A., Davenport University
Ph.D., Capella University 

Michael Davis, (2020)
Instructor, Biology
M.S., Boise State University

Michelle Davis (2016)
Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S.N., Walden University

Susan Davis (2010)
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.S., Mississippi State University
M.A.T., Mississippi State University

Kimberly Dew (2014)
Associate Professor, Nursing
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S.N., Regis University

Josh Duggin (2008)
Vice President of Technology
B.A., Union University
M.B.A., Union University

Amy Finch (2013)
Director, Marketing & Public Relations
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Jonathan Fonville (2016)
Assistant Professor, Psychology
A.A.S., Jackson State Community College
B.A., The University of Memphis
M.S., The University of Memphis

Andrea Franckowiak (1997)
Associate Professor, English
Coordinator of English, Writing & First Year Experience
B.A., SUNY Geneseo State College
M.A., Clemson University

Larenda Fultz (1994)
Dean, Student Services
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., Bethel College

Sheila Gillahan (2004)
Director, Human Resources and AA/EEO Officer
B.B.A., Lambuth University

Anne Houle-Gregory (2016)
Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., Kaplan University
M.S.N., Kaplan University
D.S.N., American Sentinel University

Julie Griggs (1994)
Director, Gibson County Center
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S., The University of Memphis

Karen Gruggett, (2009)
Coordinator, Accounts Receivable & Student Financial Services
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.B.A., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Christie Hamilton (2012)
Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S.N., The University of Phoenix
Ph.D., Walden University

Christie Hamm (2015)
Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S.N., The University of Phoenix

Kacee Hardy (2007)
Director, Financial Aid
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.A., Union University

Lisa Hayden (2017)
Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., Baptist Memorial College of Health Sciences
M.S.N., Walden University

William Hess (2019)
Coach, Assistant Women’s Softball
B.A., Southeastern Louisiana University

Jane Hicks (1983)
Computer Programmer II
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Tammy Hines (2012)
Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S.N., Union University

Katherine Hiebert-Brumley, (2020)
Instructor of Mathematics
A.A.S., Crowder
B.S., Missouri Southern State University
M.S., Pittsburg State University

Akm Hoque (1996)
Professor, Chemistry
B.S., Dahaka University
M.S., Dahaka University
M.S., Texas Tech University
Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Kent Jetton (2002)
Director, Physical Plant, Safety & Security
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Amy Johnson (2009)
Dean of Nursing
Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Jacksonville
M.S.N., South University

Margaret Jones (1988)
Assistant Director of Enrollment Services,
Admissions & Records
B.A., The University of Memphis

Tracie Keith (2015)
Assistant Director of Recruitment
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.B.A., The University of Memphis
M.A., Union University

Chad Kline (2020)
Athletic Director/Coach, Men’s Basketball
M.S., Arkansas Tech University

Brandi Leonard (2006)
Professor, English
B.A., Austin Peay State University
M.A., The University of Memphis
Ed.D., The University of Memphis

Meleia Lewis (1991)
Associate Professor, Speech/Theatre
B.F.A., Arkansas State University
M.F.A., The University of Mississippi

James Logan (2018)
Director, EMS/Paramedic Program
B.P.S., The University of Memphis




C. Renee Long (2015)
Assistant Director/Academic Coordinator
B.S., Mississippi State University

Robert Luttrell (2018)
Woman’s Soccer Coach
B.A., The University of Memphis

Aklilu Maasho (2008)
Associate Professor, Physics
M.S., Indiana University
Ed.D., The University of Memphis

Angela Martin (2015)
Assistant Professor, History
B.A., Lambuth University
M.A., The University of Memphis

Rob Martin (2007)
Associate Professor, Biology
B.S., Louisiana Tech University
M.S., Louisiana Tech University

Kelly Maupin (2006)
Site Director, TECTA
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.A., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Joseph McCool (2018)
Director of EMS Program
B.S., Mississippi State University

Jeannine McMahon (2003)
Associate Professor, Psychology
B.S., Hillsdale College
M.Ed., Sul Ross State University

Donna Mealer (2005)
Manager, Business and Student Financial Services
B.A., Tennessee Technological University

Lizabeth Mullins (2016)
Director, Administrative Services
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Charles Norsworthy (2015)
Instructor, Engineering Systems Technology
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Susan Osborne (1996)
Associate Professor, Health Information Management
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Health Science Center, Memphis
M.S., The University of Memphis

Danny Parker (2019)
EMS Clinical Coordinator

Carol Pham (2020)
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Joanne Phillips-Edley (2017)
Instructor, Computer Information Technology
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., The University of Memphis 

Carmen Pfeifer (2017)
Counselor/Career Services Coordinator
B.S., The University of South Florida
M.A., The University of South Florida

Ken Pittman (1986)
Computer Programmer II
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Sandra Pruett (2014)
Director, Internal Audit
Certified Public Accountant
Certified Internal Auditor Certificate
B.S., Union University
M.B.A., Union University

Devalyn Reynolds (2003)
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S., The University of Memphis

Jan Reid-Bunch (2019)
Vice-President for the College
B.S., Mississippi University for Women
Ph.D., Mississippi State University

Paul Rhodes (2010)
Director of Computer Services
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Trenna Richardson (2013)
Associate Professor, Nursing
L.P.N, Texarkana Community College
A.D.N, Texarkana Community College
B.S.N, The University of Texas
M.S.N, The University of Tennessee, Health Science Center, Memphis

Mary Ricks (2004)
Director, Institutional Research
B.S., Iowa State University
M.S., The University of Memphis

Willie Robinson (2019)
Instructor, Nursing
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S.N., The University of Memphis

Mike Samples (1988) 
Assistant Director, Physical Plant

Brigham Scallion (2014)
Assistant Professor, Biology
B.S., Lambuth University
M.S., The University of Memphis
D.O., Pikeville College of Osteopathic Medicine

Sonia Scott (2017)
Instructor, Reading
B.S., Bethune, Cookman University
M.S., Nova Southeastern University
Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University

Nathan Segars (2013)
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Coordinator, Humanities
B.A., Freed-Hardeman
M.A., The University of Mississippi
M.A., Memphis Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Georgia

Patty Sharp (2018)
Instructor and Coordinator, Early Childhood Education
B.S., Union University
M.A., Union University

Darla Smith (2016)
Instructor, Sociology
B.A., The University of Memphis
M.A., The University of Memphis

Erin Smith (2020)
Director of Student Life
M.S., Missouri Baptist University

Bobby L. Solmon (1989)
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Nathan Sonderman (2010)
Associate Professor, Biology
B.A., Ohio State University
M.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Rene Stanley (2007)
Associate Professor, Health Information Management
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Health Science Center
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Health Science Center

Andrea Stephenson (2017)
Instructor, Math
B.S.Ed., Arkansas State University
M.S., Arkansas State University
M.S., The University of Memphis

Deborah Stewart (2019)
Academic Success Coach
A.A.S., Chattanooga State Community College
B.B.A., Bryan College

Paul Stewart (2011)
Director, TRIO
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
M.S.Ed., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Allen Taylor (2017)
Assistant Professor, Speech
B.S., The University of Memphis
M.A., Georgia State University

Charles Taylor (2015)
Coach, Women’s Basketball
A.A., Southwest Tennessee Community College
B.A., The University of Memphis
M.A., The University of Memphis

Jamie Taylor (1990)            
Database Manager/Analyst
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Stephen Thomas (2017)
Director of Student Life
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Sarah Twaddle (2020)
Veterans Academic Success Coach
B.A., Monmouth College
M.S., Western Illinois University

Samuel Waniewski (2020)
Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
B.A., California State University
M.S., University of Southern Mississippi

Amanda Walker (2019)
B.A., University of Mississippi
M.A., University of Mississippi
Ed.D, Delta State University

Patricia Walker (1993)
Director, Office of Admissions and Records
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University
M.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Jaclyn Watson (2012)
Associate Professor, Nursing
A.S.N., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S.N., The University of Memphis
M.S.N., The University of Phoenix

Cynthia Webb (2010)
Manager, Finance
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College
B.S., Union University

Franklin Brian Wells (2010)
Professor, Biology
Coordinator, Science, Agriculture, Physical Education, Health and Wellness
B.S., Ohio State University
M.S., Texas A & M, Commerce
Ed.D, Texas A & M, Commerce

George White (2012)
Coach, Women’s Softball
B.S.S., United States Sports Academy
M.Ed., William Woods University

Robert White (2002)
Coach, Men’s Baseball
B.S.S., United States Sports Academy

Rebecca Wiley (2018)
B.A., Savannah College of Art and Design
M.F.A., Memphis College of Art

Cindy Williams (2004)
Associate Professor, English
B.A., The University of Memphis
M.A., The University of Memphis

Deanne Williams (2012)
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.S., The University of Oregon
M.A., Nicholls State University

Van Wylie (2013)
Director, Small Business Development Center
B.S., The University of Kentucky



Emeritus Faculty

Dr. Erskine Ausbrooks III (1996-2016) (Deceased)
Professor, Psychology
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University
M.S., Brigham Young University
Ph.D., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Dr. Helen Bell (1969-1970) (1984-1996)
Professor, Chemistry
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
B.A., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.S., Memphis State University
Ph.D., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
F.A.I.C. (Fellow, American Institute of Chemists)

Dr. H. Blair Bentley (1973-1987)
Professor, History
B.A., Bob Jones University
B.D., Bob Jones University
M.A., University of Denver
Ph.D., The University of Tennessee of Knoxville

Dr. Carol Ann Feather (1969-2016)
Professor, Music and Speech
A.B., Morehead State University
M.A., Morehead State University
Ph.D., The University of Mississippi

Dr. James Flatt (1973-2009)
Professor, Biology
B.A., Bethel College
M.A., George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University
Ed.S., The University of Georgia
Ed.D., The University of Southern Mississippi


Emma Mays-Reynolds (1974-2010)
Associate Professor, Administrative Office Support
B.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin
M.Ed., Memphis State University
C.O.A.P. (Certified Office Automation Professional)

Dr. Dave Strong (1979-2015)
Professor, Reading and History
B.A., Union University
M.Ed., Memphis State University
Ed.D., Memphis State University

Jane Theiling (1989-2010)
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.A., Furman University
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Linda Weeks (1989-2013)
Associate Professor, English
B.S., Memphis State University
M.A., The University of Memphis

Dr. Billy Williams (1969-2010)
Professor, Biology
B.S., Memphis State University
M.Ed., The University of Virginia
Ed.D., Auburn University

Dr. Richard Worley (1985-1992)
Professor, Physics
B.A., Hendrix College
M.A., The University of Arkansas
M.S., The University of Chicago
Ph.D., The University of California

Adjunct Faculty

Kathleen Alford, Agriculture
DVM, Lincoln Memorial University

Danielle Anderson, Orientation
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Gary Anderson, Business/Accounting
M.S., Western Governors University

Carmen Barclay, Nursing
DPT, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

Marilyn Barbee, Learning Support
M.A., Memphis Theological Seminary

Shirley Elaine Barcroft, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee

Jennifer Barham, Business
M.B.A., Freed-Hardeman University

Laura Beard, Nursing
M.S.N., Walden University

Margaret Beraud, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Memphis

Nicholas Bergan, Economics
M.Ed., Florida State University

Tina Bodenheimer, Learning Support
M.A., The University of Memphis

Holland Brewer, Biology
B.S., Southern Arkansas University

Shannon Burcks, Biology
M.S., Missouri State University

Leah Camp, Orientation
M.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Susan Campbell, Mathematics
M.S., Trevecca Nazarene University

Brandy Chandler, English
M.A., North Arizona University

Mark Clark, English
M.Ed., Union University

Vincent Clark, EMS
A.A.S., Southwest Tennessee Community College

Rhonda Coleman, Nursing
B.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Kim Collier, Mathematics
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Ashley Colotta, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Memphis

Regina Daniel, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Anthony Deason, Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Newbern

Kristin Deaton, Nursing Assistant
B.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Lori Delashmit, Nursing
M.S., Western Governors University

Tiffaney Dent, Electrocardiogram
Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Newbern

Judith Dierkes, Art
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Jennifer Dodrill, Speech
M.S., The University of Southern Mississippi

Chere Doiron, Art
M.F.A., The University of Memphis

Desiree Dolan, Communication & Music
M.M.U., Austin Peay State University

Jennifer Downing, Nursing Assistant
B.S., University of Memphis

Anita Dunn, Learning Support
M.S, Purdue University

Alice Edwards, Health Information Management
M.S., The University of Oklahoma

Homer Elam, Business
M.A., Webster University

Michael Embrey, Nursing
B.S., University of Memphis

Morgan Embrey, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Memphis

LaShaundria Fields, Nursing
B.S., University of Memphis

Leslie Finch, Nursing
M.S., Western Governors University

Brenda Fincher, Business & CIT
M.S., University of Memphis

Lisa Fletcher, Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Jasmine Fussell, Orientation
M.A., Trevecca Nazarene University

Cynthia Galewski, Orientation
M.S., Union University

Brittany Gatlin, Nursing
M.S.N., Western Governors University

Suzanne Glass, Mathematics
M.S., East Tennessee State University

Jason Griggs, Nursing
M.S., University of Memphis, Loewenberg College of Nursing

Tamekia Hall, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Seth Harden, History
M.A., University of Memphis

Samantha Hartsfield, Nursing
M.S., American Sentinel University

George Hazlewood, Emergency Medical Services
Certificates, Jackson State Community College

Mark Heaston, EMT/Paramedic
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Judy Hendrix, Administrative Professional Technology
A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Miranda Hilliard, Orientation
M.B.A., Harding University

Tammy Holcomb, Early Childhood Education
M.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Jon Holden, Agriculture
M.S., Murray State University

Anita Honeycutt, Learning Support Reading/Orientation
M.Ed., The University of Memphis

Katheryn Hopkins, Nursing
B.S., University of Memphis

Toya Howard, Orientation
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Winston Howard, Orientation
B.S., Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Teena Jarmon, Early Childhood Education
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Shelby Johnson, Nursing
B.S., Chamberlain University

Tiffany Kelley, CIT
M.A., University of Memphis

Laura Kemp, Nursing
M.S., Austin Peay State University

Lauren Kemp, EMT
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Rebecca Kent, Biology
M.A.Ed., Union University

Jennifer King, Nursing
B.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Marsha Kuykendall, Mathematics
M.A., The University of Memphis

Anita Langley, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Stanley Langley, Criminal Justice
M.S., Bethel University

Angela Lee, Nursing Assistant
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

David Lewis, Orientation
M.B.A., Hope International University

Jonna Lloyd, Nursing Assistant
M.S.N., Western Governors University

Robert Masters, History
M.A., The University of Memphis

Guy Maxwell, Chemistry
M.A., Western Governors University

Cindy McClain, Orientation
M.Ed., Arkansas State University

Michael McEwen, Philosophy
MDIV, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dustin McKeel, EMS
B.S., Lambuth University

Ramona Moore, Nursing
DNP, University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Sonya Moore, Nursing
A.A.S., Illinois Eastern Community College

Donna Nasso, Psychology
M.Ed., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Elaine Neal, Learning Support Mathematics
B.S., Memphis State University

Lydia Nicks, Orientation
M.B.A., Bethel University

Shelby Oatsvall, Orientation
M.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Charles Osborne, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Virginia

Bonnie Overland, Learning Support
M.Ed., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Preston Ozment, Orientation
M.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Britni Pack, Nursing
M.S., Western Governors University

Teresa Park, English
M.A., University of Memphis

John Parr, Biology
PHD, University of Southern Mississippi

Kevin Perk, Geography
M.A., Towson State University 

Angela Pickens, Biology
M.A., University of North Alabama

Emily Pope, Agriculture
Ph.D., Texas A&M

Rebecca Powell, English
M.Ed., Trevecca Nazarene University

Crystal Prince, Nursing Assistant
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Donna Pruitt, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Natalie Reed, Orientation/Learning Support Reading
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Candace Rhea, Nursing
B.S.N., Mississippi University for Women

Anne Richards, Nursing
B.S.N., Bethel University

Todd Ross, English
M.A., Murray State University

Philip Ruse, Biology
M.S.Ed., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Melanie Sargent, English
Ed.S., Union University

Joanna Simonton, Orientation
M.S., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

David Smith, EMS
A.A.S., Excelsior College

Melody Smith, Mathematics
E.D., The University of Memphis

Wanda Smith, Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Amanda Spicer, Learning Support Reading
B.S., Bethel University

Patricia Stearny, English
M.Ed., The University of Tennessee, Martin

Kimberly Stewart, History
M.A., Nova Southeastern University

Charles Taylor, Music
M.A., The University of Memphis

Dustin Taylor, Nursing
M.S., Chamberlain College of Nursing

Kimberly Taylor, Early Childhood Education
M.S., University of Tennessee, Martin

Lori Turner, Nursing
M.S., Western Governors University

Jennifer Tyler, English
M.A., Bethel University

Kimberly Vann, Nursing
M.S., University of Memphis

Virginia Vego, History
M.Ed., Freed-Hardeman University

Christy Wallsmith, Early Childhood Education
M.Ed., East Tennessee State University

Brian Ward, Business
DBA, Argosy University, Phoenix

Jay Wardlow, English
M.A., The University of Memphis

Ricky Warren, EMS
A.A.S., Shelby State Community College

Ann Watson, Biology
M.A., University of Phoenix

Linda Weeks, English
M.A., The University of Memphis

Lisa Wells, Social Work
M.S., The University of Texas, Arlington

Cicely Wilson, Speech
Ph.D., The University of Memphis

Don Wilson, History
M.A., The University of Memphis

Donna Winchester, Nursing Assistant
A.A.S., Dyersburg State Community College

Sarah Winegardner, Orientation
M.A., Austin Peay State University