Dec 10, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Please make note of the deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar, since some dates fall on weekends or holidays. Students without home access to the Internet are encouraged to utilize DSCC computer resources or to contact the One Stop Centers located on the Dyersburg Campus, at the DSCC Henry County Center or at the DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County. 

Note: The DSCC Academic Calendar is subject to change at any time prior to or during an academic term due to emergencies or causes beyond the reasonable control of the Institution, including severe weather, loss of utility services, or orders by federal or state agencies (TBR Policy 2:04:00:01).

Fall Semester 2023

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 20 -
August 20
Advising and registration for Fall semester for new and readmitting students.

Students who will finish a degree or certificate in 2023-2024, complete the Intent to Graduate form with your academic advisor.

August 1
Priority date for Fall Semester financial aid processing. Documents turned in after this date may not be processed before fee payment must be finalized.
August 10
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plane (DPP)  to retain current fall schedule. 
All fees must be paid or student will be purged.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at time of registration. 
August 14
Fall Update for faculty and staff - Dyersburg Student Center - 8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. College offices will open
at 1:00 p.m.
August 15
Adjunct Faculty Workshop.
August 16 -
August 17
One Stop Center Extended Hours until 6 p.m. - Dyersburg and JNC.
August 17 All fees must be paid by end of work day to avoid being purged from classes. 
August 20
Last day to receive a 100% refund for Fall Semester classes.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged. 
August 21
Fall Semester classes begin.
August 22
Financial aid census date for Fall Semester.
August 22
Last day to register and pay for Fall Semester classes.
All fees must be paid at the time of registration or student will be purged.
September 3
End of 75% refund period for Fall Semester classes.
Last day to remove an “I” (incomplete) grade.
September 4
College closed for observance of Labor Day. No day or evening classes.
September 15 Dual Enrollment Student Fees are due. 
September 16
End of 25% refund period for Fall Semester classes.
September 30
First Deferred Payment plan installment due for Fall semester.
October 2
Mid-term grade submission for Fall Semester classes begins.
October 6
Mid-term grade submission for Fall Semester classes ends.
October 9 -
October 10
Fall Break. No day or evening classes. College offices are open.
October 11
Mid-term grade notices for Fall Semester are emailed to students and academic advisors.
October 27
Last day to drop a Fall Semester class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
October 31
Final deferred payment plan (DPP) installment due date for Fall Semester.
November 1 Fall Intent to Graduate Forms due.
November 6-
January 15
Advising and registration for Spring Semester for current, new, and readmitting students
Current students encouraged to register prior to December 8.
November 22
No day or evening classes. College offices are open.
November 23 -
November 25
College closed for observance of Thanksgiving. No day or evening classes. College offices are closed.
December 1
Priority date for Spring Semester financial aid processing.
December 4
Last day of Fall Semester classes.
December 5 -
December 9
Final exams. Schedule online.
December 11 
Fall Semester grades due at 9:00 a.m.
December 22 -
December 29
College and offices closed for holiday
January 1
College closed for observance of New Year’s Day.  No classes in session and offices closed.
First Fall Session - August 21, 2023, through October 6, 2023 (part of Fall Semester)

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 20 -
August 20
Advising and registration for First Fall Session for new and readmitting students.
Currently enrolled students should register by May 3rd for best course selection.
August 10 
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP)  to retain current Fall schedule.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only First Fall Session.
August 17 All fees must be paid by end of day to avoid being purged from classes. 
August 20
Last day to register for First Fall Session classes.
Last day to receive a 100% refund for First Fall Session.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged. 
August 21
First Fall Session classes begin.
August 27
End of 75% refund period for First Fall Session classes.
September 1
End of 25% refund period for First Fall Session classes.
September 4
College closed for observance of Labor Day. No day or evening classes and offices are closed.
September 20
Last day to drop a First Fall Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
October 6
End of First Fall Session classes.
October 9
First Fall Session grades due at 9:00 a.m.
Second Fall Session - October 11, 2023, through December 4, 2023 (part of Fall Semester)

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 20-
August 20
Advising and registration for Second Fall Session for new and readmitting students.
Currently enrolled students should register by May 3rd for best course selection.
October 9
If registered for Second Fall Session courses only, fees must be paid to retain current Second Fall Session schedule or student will be purged. 
Deferred Payment Plan is not avaialble for student schedules with only Second Fall Session classes.
Last day to register and pay for for Second Fall Session.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Second Fall Session.
October 11
Second Fall Session classes begin.
October 13
End of 75% refund period for Second Fall Session classes.
October 22
End of 25% refund period for Second Fall Session classes.
November 14
Last day to drop a Second Fall Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
November 22
No day or evening classes. College offices are open.
November 23 -
November 25
College closed for observance of Thanksgiving. No day or evening classes. College offices are closed.
December 4
End of Second Fall Session.
December 11
Second Fall Session grades due at 9:00 a.m.

Note: The DSCC Academic Calendar is subject to change at any time prior to or during an academic term due to emergencies or causes beyond the reasonable control of the institution, including severe weather, loss of utility services, or orders by federal or state agencies (TBR Policy 2:04:00:01).

Accelerated First Fall Session - August 21, 2023, through September 24, 2023 (part of Fall Semester)

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 20 -
August 20
Advising and registration for Accelerated First Fall Session for new and readmitting students.
Currently enrolled students should register by May 3rd for best course selection.
August 10
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current fall schedule.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged. If registering after this date, fees must be paid at time of registration. 
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated First Fall Session classes.
August 17
All fees must be paid by end of work day to avoid being purged from classes.
August 20
Last day to register and pay for Accelerated First Fall Session classes.
Last day to receive a 100% refund for Accelerated First Fall Session.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged. 
August 21
Accelerated First Fall Session classes begin.
August 24
End of 75% refund period for Accelerated First Fall Session classes.
August 28 
End of 25% refund period for Accelerated First Fall Session classes.
September 4
College closed for observance of Labor Day. No day or evening classes. Offices are closed.
September 12
Last day to drop an Accelerated First Fall Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit. 
September 24
End of Accelerated First Fall Session classes.
September 25
Accelerated First Fall Session grades due by 9:00 a.m. 
Accelerated Second Fall Session - September 25, 2023, through October 29, 2023 (part of Fall Semester)

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 20-
August 20
Advising and registration for Accelerated Second Fall Session for new and readmitting students.
Currently enrolled students should register by May 3rd for best course selection.
September 22
If registered for Accelerated Second Fall Session courses only, fees must be paid to retain current Accelerated Second Fall Session schedule or the student will be purged.
Deferred Payment Plan is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated Second Fall Session classes. 
Last day to register and pay for an Accelerated Second Fall Session.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Accelerated second Fall session.
September 25
Accelerated Second Fall Session classes begin. 
September 28 
End of 75% refund period for Accelerated Second Fall Session classes .
October 01
End of 25% refund period for Accelerated Second Fall Session classes .
October 17
Last day to drop an Accelerated Second Fall Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit .
October 29
End of Accelerated Second Fall Session classes.
October 30
Accelerated Second Fall Session grades due by 9:00 a.m. 
Accelerated Third Fall Session - October 30, 2023, through December 3, 2023 (part of Fall Semester)

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 20-
August 20
Advising and registration for Accelerated Third Fall Session for new and readmitting students.
Currently enrolled students should register by May 3rd for best course selection.
August 17
All fees must be paid by end of day to avoid being purged from classes. 
October 27
If registered for Accelerated Third Fall Session courses only, fees must be paid to retain current Accelerated Third Fall Session schedule or the student will be purged.
Deferred Payment Plan is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated Third Fall Session classes. 
Last day to register and pay for Accelerated Third Fall Session.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Accelerated Third Fall Session.
October 30
Accelerated Third Fall Session classes begin.
November 2
End of 75% refund period for Accelerated Third Fall Session classes.
November 6
End of 25% refund period for Accelerated Third Fall session classes. 
November 21
Last day to drop an Accelerated Third Fall Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit .
November 23 -
November 25
College closed for observance of Thanksgiving.  No classes in session. Offices are closed. 
December 3
End of Accelerated Third Fall Session classes.
December 11
Accelerated Third Fall Session grades due by 9:00 a.m. 


Please make note of the deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar, since some dates fall on weekends or holidays. Students
without home access to the internet are encouraged to utilize DSCC computer resources or to contact the One Stop Centers
located on the Dyersburg campus, at the DSCC Henry County Center or at the DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County.

Winter Session - December 13, 2023, through January 5, 2024 (part of Spring Semester)
Winter Session Purge Information:
Purge Date:  December 12, 2023 - after 11:00 p.m.

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

November 6 -
December 12
Advising and registration for Winter Session for new and returning students.
Currently enrolled students should register before December 8.
December 12
All fees for Winter Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) is not available for student schedules with only Winter Session classes.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Winter Session classes.
December 13
Winter Session classes begin.
December 16
End of 75% refund period for Winter Session classes.
December 19
End of 25% refund period for Winter Session classes.
Last day to drop a class for Winter Session with a “W” or change to audit.
December 25 -
December 31
College closed. No Winter Session classes and offices closed. 
January 1
College closed for observance of New Year’s Day. No classes in session and offices closed.
January 2
College reopens. Winter Session classes resume and offices reopen.
January 8
End of Winter Session classes.
January 9
Winter session grades due by 9:00 a.m.

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

Spring - Full Term Purge Information:
First Purge - January 8, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge - January 11, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Third Purge - January 15, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Fourth Purge - January 17, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
November 6 - January 15
Advising and registration for Spring Semester, First Spring session, and Second Spring session for current, new, and readmitting students. Current students should to register prior to December 8 for best course selection. 
Students who will finish a degree or certificate in 2023-2024 should complete the Intent to Graduate form with your academic advisor as soon as possible. Candidates who completed coursework during the Fall 2023, or will complete coursework in Spring 2024 or Summer 2024 are invited to participate in commencement. Cap and gown orders are due to the DSCC Follett Bookstore no later than March 1st. There is no cost to candidates for graduation.
December 1
Priority date for financial aid processing. Documents turned in after this date may not be processed before fee payment must be finalized.
December 25 -
December 31
College closed. No classes in session and offices closed.
January 1
College closed in observance of New Year’s Day.
January 2
College reopens. Winter Session classes resume and offices open.
January 8
Spring Update for Faculty and Staff – 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  College offices open at 1:00 p.m. 
All fees for full-term Spring Semester classes must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
January 9
Adjunct Faculty Workshop - 5:30-7:30 p.m. - Zoom.
January 10 -
January 11
One Stop Center Extended Hours until 6:00 p.m. - Dyersburg and JNC.
January 11
All fees for full-term Spring Semester classes must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
January 15
College closed for observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Spring Semester classes.
All fees for full-term Spring Semester classes must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
January 16
Spring Semester classes begin.
January 17
Financial aid census date for Spring Semester.
Last day to register and pay for Spring Semester classes.
All fees for full-term Spring Semester classes must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
January 29
End of 75% refund period for Spring Semester classes.
Last day to remove “I” (incomplete) grade.
Dual Enrollement Student Fees are due. 
February 11
End of 25% refund period for Spring Semester classes..
February 22
Mid-term grade submission begins for Spring Semester.
February 28
Mid-term grade submission ends for Spring Semester.
February 29
First deferred payment plan (DPP) installment due date..
March 1
Spring/Summer Intent to Graduate Forms due
Cap and gown orders are due to the DSCC Follett Bookstore no later than March 1st. There is no cost to candidates for graduation. Candidates who have filed an intent to graduate and will will complete coursework during Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024 are invited to participate in commencement. 
Mid-term grade notices emailed to students and advisors.
March 4 -
March 9 
Spring Break - No classes in session. College offices open.
March 22
Last day to drop a class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.

Strategic Planning & Employee Recognition- 8:30am-1:00pm- Dyersburg Student Center.

No Day Classes.

March 25 -
August 27
Advising and registration for May session, Summer and Fall Semesters for new and returning students 
Currently enrolled students should register by May 3rd for best course selection
March 31
Final Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) installment due for Spring semester.
April 23
Annual Honors Convocation - 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. -  Dyersburg Campus Student Center Building.
April 26
Last day of Spring Semester classes.
April 29 -
May 4
Final exams. Schedule online.
May 4
Commencement - TBD - Dyersburg Campus.
May 6
Spring Semester grades due at 9:00 a.m.
First Spring Session - January 16, 2024, through March 1, 2024 
Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online
Spring - First Session Purge Information:
First Purge - January 8, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge - January 11, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Third Purge - January 15, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Fourth Purge - January 16, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
November 6 -  January 15
Advising and registration for First Spring Session for current, new, and readmitting students.
Current students should to register prior to December 8 for best course selection.
January 8
All fees for First Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only First Spring Session classes.
January 15
College closed for observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. No classes in session and offices closed
Last day to receive 100% refund for First Spring Session classes.
All fees for First Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only First Spring Session classes.
January 16
First Spring Session classes begin
All fees for First Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only First Spring Session classes.
January 21
End of 75% refund period for First Spring Session classes.
January 27
End of 25% refund period for First Spring Session classes.
February 15
Last day to drop a First Spring Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
March 1
End of First Spring Session classes.
March 4
First Spring Session grades due at 9:00 a.m.
Second Spring Session - March 11, 2024, through April 26, 2024

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

Spring - Second Session Purge Information:
First Purge - March 7, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge - March 11, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
November 6 -
March 10
Advising and registration for Second Spring Session for current, new, and readmitting students.
Current students should register prior to December 8 for best course selection.
March 7
All fees for Second Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only second Spring session classes.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Second Spring Session classes.
March 11
Second Spring session classes begin. 
Last day to register and pay for Second Spring Session classes.
All fees for Second Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Second Spring Session.
March 14
Last day to register for Second Spring Session classes.
March 16
End of 75% refund period for Second Spring Session classes.
March 22

Strategic Planning & Employee Recognition- 8:30am-1:00pm- Dyersburg Student Center.

No Day Classes.

End of 25% refund period for Second Spring Session classes.

April 5
Last day to drop a Second Spring Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
April 26
End of Second Spring Session classes
May 6
Second Spring Session grades due by 9:00 a.m.

Note: The DSCC Academic Calendar is subject to change at any time prior to or during an academic term due to
emergencies or causes beyond the reasonable control of the institution, including severe weather, loss of utility services, or
orders by federal or state agencies (TBR 2:04:00:01).

Accelerated First Spring Session - January 16, 2024, through February 19, 2024 

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

Spring - Accelerated Session 1 Purge Information:
First Purge - January 8, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge - January 15, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Third Purge - January 16, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
November 6 - January 15
Advising and registration for Accelerated First Spring Session for current, new, and readmitting students.
Current students should to register prior to December 8 for best course selection.
January 8
All fees for Accelerated First Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated First Spring Session classes.
January 15
College closed for observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. No classes in session and offices closed.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Accelerated First Spring Session classes.
All fees for Accelerated First Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated First Spring Session classes.
January 16
Accelerated First Spring Session classes begin.
Last day to register for Accelerated First Spring Session classes.
All fees for Accelerated First Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated First Spring Session classes.
January 20
End of 75% refund period for Accelerated First Spring Session classes.
January 24
End of 25% refund period for Accelerated First Spring Session classes.
February 7
Last day to drop a Accelerated First Spring Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
February 19
End of Accelerated First Spring Session classes.
February 23
Accelerated First Spring Session grades due at 9:00 a.m.
Accelerated Second Spring Session - February 20, 2024, through March 25, 2024 

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

Spring - Accelerated Session 2 Purge Information:
First Purge - February 19, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge - February 20, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
November 6 -
January 15
Advising and registration for Accelerated Second Spring Session for current, new, and readmitting students
Current students should to register prior to December 8 for best course selection
February 19
All fees for Accelerated Second Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated Second Spring Session classes.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Accelerated Second Spring Session classes.
February 20 
Accelerated Second Spring Session classes begin.
Last day to register and pay for Accelerated Second Spring Session classes.
All fees for Accelerated Second Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated Second Spring Session classes.
February 24
End of 75% refund period for Accelerated Second Spring Session classes.
February 28
End of 25% refund period for Accelerated Second Spring Session classes.
March 13
Last day to drop a Accelerated Second Spring Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
March 22

Strategic Planning & Employee Recognition- 8:30am-1:00pm- Dyersburg Student Center.

No Day Classes.
March 25
End of Accelerated Second Spring Session classes.
March 29 
Accelerated Second Spring Session grades due at 9:00 a.m.
Accelerated Third Spring Session - March 26, 2024, throughApril 29, 2024 

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

Spring - Accelerated Session 3 Purge Information:
First Purge - March 25, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge - March 26, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
November 6 -
March 10
Advising and registration for Accelerated Third Spring Session for current, new, and readmitting students.
Current students should to register prior to December 8 for best course selection.
March 25
All fees for Accelerated Third Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated Third Spring Session classes.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Accelerated Third Spring Session classes.
March 26
Accelerated Third Spring Session classes begin.
Last day to register and pay for Accelerated Third Spring Session classes.
All fees for Accelerated Third Spring Session must be paid by 11:00 p.m. or student will be removed from classes.
Fees must be paid or properly enrolled in a Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) to retain current spring schedule.
If registering after this date, fees  must be paid at time of registration.
DPP is not available for student schedules with only Accelerated Third Spring Session classes.
March 30
End of 75% refund period for Accelerated Third Spring Session classes.
April 3
End of 25% refund period for Accelerated Third Spring Session classes.
April 17
Last day to drop a Accelerated Third Spring Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
April 29
End of Accelerated Third Spring Session classes.
May 3
Accelerated Third Spring Session grades due at 9:00 a.m.


Please make note of the deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar, since some dates fall on weekends or holidays. Students without home access to the Internet are encouraged to utilize DSCC computer resources or to contact the One Stop Centers by calling 731-286-3350 or 901-475-3100.

Summer Semester 2024

May 10 - July 26     Offices are closed on Fridays.  My DSCC online student portal is available 24/7

May Session - May 8, 2024 through May 29, 2024 (part of Summer Semester)

May Session Purge Information:

Purge Date:  May 6, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 25 -
May 7
Advising and registration for May Session for new and returning students
Currently enrolled students should register by May 3rd for best course selection
May 6
Fees for May Session must be paid to retain your class schedule
Deferred Payment Plan is not available for the Summer Semester
Last day to register and pay for May Session classes or student will be purged. 
Last day to receive 100% refund for May Session.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged. 
May 8
May Session classes begin.
May 10
End of 75% refund period for May Session classes.
May 14
End of 25% refund period for May Session classes.
May 17
Last day to drop a May Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
May 27
College closed for observance of Memorial Day. No classes and offices closed.
May 29
End of May Session classes.
May 30
May Session grades due by 9:00 a.m.

Full Summer Session - June 3, 2024 through August 8, 2024 (part of Summer Semester)

Full Summer Session Purge Information:

First Purge:       May 6, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge: June 2, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 25 - 
June 2
Advising and registration for Full Summer Session.
May 10 -
July 26
Offices closed on Fridays.  MyDSCC online student portal available 24/7.
May 6
Fees for Full Summer Session must be paid to retain your class schedule.
Deferred Payment Plan is not available for the Summer Semester.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at the time of registration to retain your schedule of classes or the student will be purged. 
May 27
College closed in observance of Memorial Day. No classes in session and office closed.
May 30
Summer fees for Full Summer Session and First Summer Session due to Business Office to retain schedule.
May 31
Last day to register for Full Summer Session classes.
Last day to receive 100% refund for Full Summer Session classes.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged. 
June 2
Last day to receive 100% refund for Full Summer Session classes.
June 3
Full Summer Session classes begin.
June 4
Last day to register and pay for Full Summer Session classes.
June 14
End of 75% refund period for Full Summer Session Semester classes.
June 18
End of 25% refund period for Full Summer Session Semester classes.
June 19 College closed for observance of Juneteenth Day. No classes in session. Offices closed.
July 4
College closed for observance of Independence Day. No classes in session and offices closed.
July 17
Last day to drop a Full Summer Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
August 8
End of Full Summer Session classes.
August 9
Full Summer Session grades due by 9:00 a.m.
First Summer Session - June 3, 2024 through June 27, 2024 (part of Summer Semester)

First Summer Session Purge Information:

First Purge:       May 6, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge: June 2, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 25 -
June 2
Advising and registration for First Summer Session new and returning students.
Currently enrolled students should register before May 3 for best course selection.
May 10 -
July 26
Offices closed on Fridays. MyDSCC online student portal available 24/7.
May 6
Fees for First Summer Session must be paid to retain your class schedule.
Deferred Payment Plan is not available for the Summer Semester.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at the time of registration to retain your schedule of classes or the student will be purged.
May 27
College closed for observance of Memorial Day. No classes in session and offices closed.
June 2
Last day to register and pay for First Summer Session classes.
Last day to receive 100% refund for First Summer Session classes.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged. 
June 3
First Summer Session classes begin.
June 9
End of 75% refund period for First Summer Session classes.
June 12
End of 25% refund period for First Summer Session classes.
June 18
Last day to drop a First Summer Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
June 19 College closed for observance of Juneteenth Day. No classes in session. Offices closed.
June 27
End of First Summer Session classes.
July 1
First Summer Session grades due by 9:00 a.m.
Second Summer Session - July 2, 2024 through July 30, 2024 (part of Summer Semester)

Second Summer Session Purge Information:

First Purge:       May 6, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.
Second Purge: July 1, 2024 - after 11:00 p.m.

Dates may differ for TN eCampus. Check the TN eCampus academic calendar online

March 25 -
July 1
Advising and registration for May Session, Summer and Fall Semesters for new and returning students.
Currently enrolled students should register May Session, Summer and Fall Semesters before May 2.
May 10 -
July 26
Offices closed on Fridays.
MyDSCC online student portal available 24/7.
May 6
Fees for Second Summer Session must be paid to retain your class schedule or the student will be purged.
Deferred Payment Plan is not available for the Summer Semester.
If registering after this date, fees must be paid at the time of registration to retain your schedule of classes.
All fees must be paid or student will be purged.
July 1
Last day to register and pay for Second Summer Session classes or the student will be purged. 
Last day to receive 100% refund for Second Summer Session classes
All fees must be paid or student will be purged. 
July 2
Second Summer Session classes begin.
July 4
College closed for observance of Independence Day. No classes in session. Offices closed.
July 7
End of 75% refund period for Second Summer Session classes.
July 10
End of 25% refund period for Second Summer Session classes.
July 20
Last day to drop a Second Summer Session class with a grade of “W” or change to audit.
July 30
End of Second Summer Session classe.
July 31
Second Summer Session due by 9:00 a.m.

Note: The DSCC Academic Calendar is subject to change at any time prior to or during an academic term due to
emergencies or causes beyond the reasonable control of the Institution, including severe weather, loss of utility services, or
orders by federal or state agencies (TBR 2:04:00:01).